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She turned around and looked at him. She had opened her mouth to say something, but didn't and the doors shut as he stared at her. She quickly went to her car before he could come after her. "I don't know what I want," she finally said, slipping into the car and driving home.


Maya traveled to Italy for work. It was one of her favorite places to travel to, but she wouldn't be getting to enjoy it like she would have liked.

She met with the leader of the Italian Military to discuss a potential mole in their office. She owed him, for saving her life several years prior. She stayed in a hotel in Assisi, Italy and that's where he met her to discuss business. It took her a week for the two of them to suss out the issue and resolve it. Luckily the mole was a new agent and hadn't caused catastrophic damage. In fact, he felt so terrible about selling agency secrets that he told his boss before the deal went down and they were able to lock up the other guys for other felonies they had committed.

She was sad to leave Italy, but she had to return to D.C. to do work. She knew she had files piling up, too. She shot a text to Abby to pick her up from the airport, but when she got there. It was Nick, standing at the bottom of the escalators at arrival. "Where's Abby?" Maya asked him, not meaning to sound rude.

"Important case," Nick explains, simply before guiding her to his car.

"How has the apartment NCIS set up for you been?" Maya asks, sliding into the passenger seat.

He doesn't look at her as he starts pulling out of the airport, "it's been good. I have to start looking into other apartments because as I'm sure you know their only paying for it until the end of the month."

She nods and casually asks, "where are you looking to move?"

"Don't know, places closer to the office seem very expensive," was all he said. The rest of the car ride was spent in silence. Which was awkward or uncomfortable, but she sort of wished that they did talk over the 45 minute drive. He pulled into the work parking lot, got out without a word, and was walking toward the elevator.

"Thank you," she called, annoyed that he hadn't waited for her. He waved a hand and did not hold the elevator. Probably because he assumed she would take her car and head home, but she wasn't. She had to go up and brief Vance about Italy. She took the stairs and as she came up, Nick and Tim went into the elevator.

"Can we talk, Maya?" Gibbs called, catching up with her as she made her way up the second set of steps to Vance's office.

She shook her head, "later. Leon is expecting me."

"Okay, come talk to me before you go," he said, "okay, Mai?" He used her nickname, probably to guilt trip her into doing what he was asking.

"Okay, Gibbs," Maya says, slipping into Vance's office.


"Where's Gibbs?" Maya asked Quinn, walking into the set of cubicles.

"Interrogation," she said.

"Tell him that I was looking for him if you can," Maya said.

"Yeah, of course, director."

Maya went up to her office and thumbed through her schedule of meetings over the next two weeks. She waited several hours for Gibbs to come talk to her, but he never came. At six, she left and stopped to pick up a pizza before going home. She walked up to her studio apartment and instantly after closing the door, she had a flashback of her drunk love affair with Nick just a week and a half prior. She groaned, not wanting to think about it. She made her way to the bathroom and started filling to tub with water for a bath. She returned to the kitchen to grab the box of supreme pizza, a glass of wine, and a book that she had started three months ago and never got around to finishing. Her mind couldn't focus on the book, however, her mind was stuck on Nick.

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