What Becomes of Us

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If I lived a million lives, I would've felt a million feelings and I still would've fallen a million times for you
RM Drake


Everything went so fast after Nick proposed. The couple spent every moment not at work, planning the wedding they both wanted. Simple and surrounded by loved ones. Maya pressed Gibbs' to let her have her wedding at his house and he agreed after some coaxing. And now, six months later, his home was all set up for their little wedding.

Maya was getting ready with Delilah in her old room. She slipped on the simple, lace dress that she had found at a secondhand shop, fixed her curls, and put on light make-up.
Delilah smiled, "you look beautiful, Maya. If Nick doesn't cry, I will roll him over!"

Maya laughed at that, "I'm on board with that!" Maya was glad for a quiet wedding with her closest people. Gibbs', McGee, Ellie, Delilah, Nick's parents, Vance and his kids, and she even convinced Tony to come with his daughter. She was grateful for the family that would be here for her on the happiest day of her and Nick's life. The start of their future together.

"It's time. Are you ready?" Delilah asked Maya.

"So ready," Maya said in a matter-of-fact tone. Maya walks out, followed by Delilah. Gibbs is waiting in the hallway for her. They had cleared out his living room, placed plastic chairs and made an makeshift aisle with a blue floor runner.

"You look gorgeous, Maya," Gibbs said, clearly holding back some emotions. Delilah rolled by and cued the music. McGee walked down the makeshift aisle and then they departed on their appropriate sides under the the kitchen archway. "Ready?" Gibbs asked, holding out her arm and she linked hers with his. All she did was nod and they started walking.

The moment Nick saw her, his eyes swelled up with water and he smiled all proud and happy. They walked slowly but she was in front of Nick due to the short aisle. Gibbs' hugged her and gave Nick a good handshake before sitting down next to Tony. The officiate started the ceremony, "we are gathered here together to join the union of marriage of Nick Torres and Maya Gibbs. It is a happy time when a couple decides to unify their lives together." He paused, "I was told to keep it short so, Maya, would you like to say your vows?"

"Nick Torres, It's you. It's always been you. I promise to remind myself of that everyday and choose to love you everyday. Till I die," Maya said, short and sweet.

"And Nick," the officiate says, allowing him to go.

"Maya Gibbs, I was never a commitment guy. At least not until I met you. I am committed to you and only you. I will prove that to you everyday that we both live. I love you."

"Present the rings to one another. First Maya to Nick then Nick to Maya." They did as they were told.  "You are now husband a wife. You may kiss." Nick grabbed the back of Maya's neck and pulled her in for a deep kiss. Their friends cheered them on.

They moved the chairs into the kitchen and put on I'll follow you by Shinedown. This was Nick and Maya's first dance. They did a waltz to the song. They kissed and missed steps and laughed. They were the happiest that they had been in a long time. Especially Maya with all that she had been through in the last few years. The kidnapping, the saving, the work, work, work mentality she had put herself under. She had been under constant stress and Maya decided in this moment, dancing with her new husband, she wouldn't do that to herself anymore.

"Who wants steak and who wants chicken?" Gibbs yelled, walking toward the backdoor to get to the grill.

"Hold on there, dad. I need my dance with you first before you make dinner," Maya demanded in a light tone.

Gibbs chuckled, "ah right, I forgot I promised to dance with you." He walked backed over to his daughter and began to dance with her. He was better than she remembered him when she was a child. However, she danced on his feet and pulled at his arms. Of course it couldn't have been good. She smiled. "Thinking about when I used to twirl you around to Elvis?"

"Actually, yeah. I was," Maya smiled big. "I think I'm going to take a step back from being in the field and train instead." Gibbs nodded. He was never going to be one to stop working and retire, but he wanted his daughter to do what was best for her.

"I think that's great, hun."


Maya and Nick had gone to a resort in Mexico for their honeymoon. They hadn't been home for more than two weeks when Maya's body felt off. She thought she was sick because she was vomiting a lot and felt fatigued. She spent three days in bed. It wasn't until Delilah called her and asked if she had missed her period that it all connected. She didn't think it was possible. She had been on the pill too. Maya bought two tests and both came out positive, she was pregnant.

She ordered Chinese take out and set it all out with movies and her pregnancy tests while waiting for Nick to get home. "Oh awesome, Chinese and movies!" Then he scanned the table and found the test. "Whoa, are you pregnant?" He didn't give her a change to respond and jumped on the couch next to her, "Maya, are you pregnant?"

"Yeah," she smiled, "Nick, I'm having your baby." He let out a woo of excitement and gave Maya a big kiss. They were both happy about it. They were having a baby.

Nick and Maya were having a baby and that changed everything for them and their future. They were ready for a new future.

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