Being Bad

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What you allow is what will continue.


Maya had been avoiding Gibbs and his team including Abby because she was so worried that they would sense something off...that she would have to confess that relations she had with Nick just a day prior. She stayed cooped up in her office finishing off the last of the piled up cases that she had to sign off on. She ran a head through her hair, she was ready to go home and take a bath. She knew she had to come in the next day because of a meeting with SECNAV but that was at eleven so she could come in late. Then Sunday should be free to enjoy her weekend.

The clock struck eight as she set aside the last file with a sigh of relief, she grabbed her bag and walked out of the office. Upon reaching the stairs, she saw Nick walking into the building with a box. His eyes met hers before dropping his gaze to say something to part of his team, Tim and Ellie. Maya bit her lip, she didn't really want to interact today, but it was too late she was walking down the stairs an there was no turning back. She approached the three and slowed up because she didn't want to be rude, "goodnight, guys."

"Night, Maya," Ellie replied and Mcgee explained to Nick why they left as soon as they could on Friday so that they didn't have to work a case over the weekend and right then Gibbs walked over.

"Grab your gear," Gibbs says, "you too, Nick." Nick looked over at Maya and she looked down. They rushed out toward the elevator, but Nick hung back.

"We should talk," Nick said, standing in front of her.

"About what?" She said, playing dumb. Nick didn't get a chance to reply because Gibbs called over.

"I won't hold the door forever, Torres. Let's go!" Gibbs called. Nick gave Maya one last look then jogged over to the elevator.


The next morning after her meeting was cancelled with SECNAV, she went down to see Ducky because the thing that happened with Torres was still weighing heavy on her mind.
"Hey, Ducky. Got a minute?"

Ducky was doing an autopsy, looking back at Maya, "sure, Maya. What do you need?"

Maya was to relieved that Jimmy was nowhere in sight, "I made a mistake." She was being vague and she knew she was being vague. She walked around the autopsy table and stood in front of the good doctor.

"Could you be more specific, Maya dear?" Ducky asked, eyeing her.

She gave him a look and shook her head, "let's just say that it broke one of Gibbs rules and might effect the atmosphere at work."

"He has a lot of rules, Maya. I am quite curious to hear what you did," Duck said, pulling a spleen out if the body and putting it into the scale.

Just then, Gibbs walked into Autopsy, "what did you do, Maya?" Gibbs raised an eyebrow at his daughter.

"I--uh, I have a meeting. Excuse me," she walked out and didn't bother waiting for the elevator instead she took the stairs up to her office. When she was safetly behind closed doors, she let out a sigh of relief. But then panic filled her, Gibbs knew something was going on and he was going to find out what it was eventually.


Maya made her way out of her office at eight, she could her Hispanic music as soon she opened the door and walked to the steps. She saw Nick sitting on his desk surrounded by the team and he was dancing to his own music. The other joined in and Gibbs who was unamused, went over to shut it off.
Maya ducked away during the commotion, hoping she wasn't noticed. Before the elevator doors closed, she saw a hand stop them and stepped in. The hand belonged to Nick Torres, "are you avoiding me?"

"No, Nick. I'm the Director," she muttered, hoping he couldn't tell how much that she didn't want to be having this conversation.

"Are we going to talk about what happened?" He asked her, stepping closer.

"I think that we should not do that," she paused, "and pretend like it didn't happen."

"If that's what you want," he says and she couldn't read his face. Couldn't tell what he wanted or what he was thinking and she wished that she could. The elevator doors opened to the parking garage and stepped out, still having not said anything to him.

She turned around and looked at him. She had opened her mouth to say something, but didn't and the doors shut as he stared at her. She quickly went to her car before he could come after her. "I don't know what I want," she finally said, slipping into the car and driving home.

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