Rogue pt.3

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"Elena Silva
studied electrical engineering
at the
University of Sao Paulo.
Also did an automotive residency
at an experimental plant in Peru.
She could have easily known how to turn the cars battery compartment into a time bomb, boss."


Maya sent the team with Nick to go talk to Elena about the bomb. When she heard that they were on their way back, she waited in Vance's office. Nick barged in while he was on the phone, "it was a set up. Leo and David knew I would be there. They planted that bomb." Nick was fired up. Gibbs, however, was more calm behind him, closing the door. Leon hung the phone up and had his attention on Nick. "He put his own daughter's life in danger just to get me. It stops now."

Leon had stood up and watched Nick begin to pace, "I understand your frustration, but you need to stay focused on the big picture."

Nick's eyes were wild, "the big picture? The big picture?" He was looking at the director as he spoke now, "the Silvas killed my brother-in-law, nearly killed my sister, and just attempted to blow my ass up."

"Take a breath, Torres," Gibbs warned.

"No, I'm breathing, Gibbs! I'm breathing," he paused, "but I'm done doing things the official way."

"I make those decisions, Agent Torres," Vance says.

"Eight years of service, and what has it gotten me? Huh? A broken family, A lifetime of lies, sixteen different names, 16 different home addresses, no wife, no kids. I don't even know what I want anymore," he pointed a finger at Leon angrily, "I don't even know who I can trust." His eyes landed on Gibbs, "Well, I'm stopping the Silvas on my own. I work better that way." He slammed his badge down and walked toward the door, but Maya cut him off. She had her hand in front of her and he spoke, "you have something to say?"

"Yeah, Nick. I'm disappointed. You failed the mission," she gave him a little shove, "you failed to protect your sister." Another shove, "you disrespected the badge." One last shove. She knew what he needed. Some tough love. He came back up into her face, looking down at her, "revenge on Silva won't change a thing. You can trust me on that because I know. You want the last two years to mean something? Then finish this, the right way."

There was a knock and Bishop appeared, "sorry to interrupt, but we have a lead on Silva's target." Maya hadn't turned, she was still looking up at Torres before she turned and walked out followed by Gibbs.

"Let's hear it, Mcgee," Maya said, walking over to the team after coming down the stairs. Gibbs was behind her and she had a feeling that Torres was, too.

"The thumb drive that Torres gave Silva contained a mirroring virus, and when Silva plugged that into his laptop, we were able to access his computer," Mcgee said, and let Bishop continue.

"Silva was smart enough not to have any incriminating files saved, but we found something in his recent internet search history," she said and Mcgee continued. Maya was getting annoyed with the back and forth, but she felt bad for practically taking over Gibbs team that she stayed quiet.

"Looked up the schedule of the events for D.C.'s festival Latino," Mcgee says.

"A Latino going to a Latino festival," Torres says and looks at Gibbs as he turns around, "great. We have our lead."

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