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Back at it
But for how long?


Maya had been back to work for almost three months and she suprisingly had decided to stay out of the field for all that time. She didn't think that would, but she did and she spent a lot of time on conferences, doing papers, and running missions from a tactile side instead of field side. A small part missed it, smaller than she would admit to anyone, except Nick maybe. She was a lot happier and Nick was grateful for her safety. However, things took a turn when Gibbs and Nick almost lost their lives going into Paraguay. She was shook, she understood that they did this to save children but the idea of losing Nick shook her to the core. It was something that Nick and her talked about everyday for a week. Tonight over pizza and wine was night seven. 

"I understand it's scary, Maya," he said, "it's the job though and you've done it too. This is our lives. This is the field that we have chosen."

"I know, but it scares me to know..." she trailed off for a moment and decided complete honesty was for the best, "to know that you could die at any point. And me too. I know. But to think about losing you and never getting the chance to..the chance to marry you or have children with you. That is the scariest part. Don't you see that? I want a future with you."

He stared at her for twenty seconds, took a breath, and answered her, "I want a future with you too, Maya. I want to build a life with you and we will. We will get married. We will have a wedding. We will have children. We will buld a life. I promise you that, okay?" She said nothing but nodded, he pulled her into him and kissed the top of her head. Nick thought about the night they got back from Paraguay before he saw Maya. He had a moment alone with Gibbs and he asked him for his blessing to marry his daughter. Nick wasn't sure how Gibbs was going to react but he appreciated how he did react. Gibbs smiled and said yes, but he had a condition. He told Nick that both of them needed to get out of NCIS for the benefit of their future family. He said that both Nick and Maya had been through so much and lived more than most other people ever would. He did not want them to having a boring life, but to find their passions elsewhere. Nick so easily agreed to Gibbs' condition. To him it was a no-brainer, but she wondered if Maya would be able to pass the baton onto somebody else. 

Night seven was the last time they talked about least for awhie.

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