Triumph Pt.2

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Sorry for taking do long do get another chapter up! I've been in the process of moving so I didn't have time to finish writing this chapter until now. Hope it is worth the wait!!

"10 minutes?" She says, "can you grab my dress for me." He nods and pushes himself off the door frame, walking toward her bed. Maya begins to contour her face. He holds the dress in front of him, waiting for her to take it. She sets her face and turns toward him, "stay close. I'm going to need you to zip me up." He nods and turning around when she takes the dress. She slips it on and clears her throat so he can zip her up. She can feel his hands and a shiver runs through her.


The world conference was packed, but Maya was feeling good about what was to come. Maya got to confirmation that Ayman was headed to his own as they got their own. Nick was radiating joy, "I can't wait for you to get this guy."

Maya shot him a look to keep his voice down, "me too." She gave him a small smile before they ordered their meals. Maya watched Ayman get up and walk toward the bathroom, but he looked around, checking to see if anyone were watching him. Then, when he was satisfied he slipped into the kitchen. "Nick, I'll be right back."

He gave her a look of annoyance because she had cut him off as he was telling her about his tenth birthday when his dad got him a pizza when he destroyed his cake, "okay." She hadn't let him finish before she was up and following Ayman. Of course, she had lost him because he had walked in minutes earlier so she could only guess where he was going. She exited the kitchen into a hallway and she was forced with deciding to go left or right. She remembered the floor plan to the right went into one of the rooms that was holding a speaker about Economic Disparity. So, her gut decision led her to right. She followed for awhile until the hallway curved. She slowed down, hearing voices and they were speaking in Arabic. The voices stopped and she heard a door click shut. She turned the corner a saw an armed guard. A seemingly American man.

"What are you doing back here, ma'am? This is a restricted area," he said, his eyes narrowed in on her.

"Sorry, I was looking for the bathroom. I was just listening to that boring lecture on Economic Desparity and I had to get out. Sometimes I don't understand why my husband drags me to these places," if you're gonna lie, be specific.

"Ma'am, that conference ended thirty minutes ago," he said, stepping toward her, eyeing her cautiously.

"What was I just listening to then?" She asked, stepping back and she tried to look genuinely confused.

"I don't know...another speaker doesn't start for another ten minutes," he said, he had caught on to her and was moving quickly toward her. Maya rounded the corner and ran into Nick. With one hand he held her and the other, he lifted a stun gun as the guard turned the corner. Nick shot the stun gun and the man collapsed in front of them, unconscious.

"I am so glad you followed me," she laughed and turned, the man was passed out but was alive. Nick grabbed him and dragged him out of sight. "Come on, Ayman went this way." Maya opened the door cautiously and it opened up into a large room with four connecting rooms. She heard voices coming from each room. They were speaking Arabic, she pushed Nick back out into the hall. "We should call this in. We don't know how many there are..."

"Okay, I'll comm in and talk to Victor," he said, but it was then that they heard screaming coming from the closest Auditorium. He looked at Maya.

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