The Wall

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Sometimes there is no next time, no second chance, no time out. Sometimes it's now or never.


Maya turned over in Nick's bed on Tuesday morning. She checked her phone and realized she had 20 minutes before her alarm went off, she groaned. There was no use in trying to fall back asleep because now she knew how much time she had to sleep. She rolled onto her stomach, looking at Nick, who was still fast sleep. She knew she should have let him sleep until his alarm went off, but she couldn't help herself. She brought her lips to his ear and whispered, "wake up." He moved a bit but didn't open his eyes. She hovered over him, her mouth inches for his, "Nick." He made a noise this time and Maya closed the cap between their lips.

He responded almost immediately. He kissed her intensely and spoke against her lips, "good morning to you too, beautiful." His hand looped around her neck. He pulled away after a long moment, "to what do I owe the honor of you waking me up like that?"

She laughs and tells him, "I woke up 20 minutes before my alarm."

He nods and smirks, "that's a shame. I am totally going to take advantage of the extra time this morning." Maya smiled and he rolled her over onto her back and was careful about her healing leg.


Nick parked the car at the office and walked up while Maya finished a phone call that she had gotten as soon as they left the house. Maya had waved absentmindedly to Nick as he took the elevator up. She ran a hand through her hair when she was gone. She was frustrated at how long this call sigh SECNAV was taking. "Maya?" She asks, "are you listening to me?"

"Yes, ma'am," Maya paused, "you just lectured me on the importance of my desk job then proceeded told me to fly to the UK for 6 months to a year. And as much as I am flattered by the idea, I have to decline. I have roots here. I have a desk job here. I don't want anything else right now and I mean no disrespect by saying so."

"Then you need to stop playing field agent," SECNAV snapped at her, "either you take this job seriously or I demote you to field agent. It's your call, Maya."

"I don't do ultimatums," Maya shot back, "I am an excellent asset to this office and I am offended you want to take me away from it."

"Enough," Maya was getting on SECNAV's last nerve, "make your--" Maya didn't let her finish, she hung up and walked to the elevator. She walked in and pressed the button to take her up. She had only moved up a few feet when she switched the switch to make the elevator stop and go dark. Then she screamed for what seemed like an entire minute before venturing the rest of the way and walking out amongst the cubicles. Maya didn't see Nick as she made her way past Gibbs area. She went to the other elevator to take her up because she still couldn't take the stairs, Bishop popped in beside her.

"Morning," she smiled, "I have some juicy gossip. Wanna hear?"
Maya said nothing so Bishop continued, "While Nick was in FLETC, him and Quinn totally had a fling."

"What?" Maya said, feeling more aggravated now.

"Yeah, that's what I've heard," Bishop shrugs, "I'm gonna do some digging. Do you want to help McGee and I find some dirt?"

"No, I have to work," she snapped, getting off the elevator and going to her office. "Allison, could you get me a coffee. ASAP."
Allison nodded and grabbed her jacket before walking out.

A second later, Allison popped her head back in. "I forgot to tell you that Vance would like to see you as soon as possible. Sounded urgent."

Maya nodded, walking over to his office. She didn't wait for Sarah to give her the okay to go in, she stormed in. He looked up bemused and stood up, "why dont you close the door and come sit down."

Maya closed the door but she didn't go sit, "what do you need?"

"SECNAV called and said that you hung up on her," he tilted his head, trying to read her.

"She gave me an ultimatum that I wasn't going to stand for," she said, "I deserve to be treated with respect and she just wasn't giving me that.

"The UK is a good opportunity," he said, "it might do you some good to get away."

"I'm sick and tired of everyone telling me to leave," she stated, "I'm fine, I'm doing fine and I want to keep my job here. I have roots here."

"I understand your frustrated, but think about what you need," he paused, "is being here really the best choice for you?"

"Dear lord, Vance. Could you sound anymore condescending," she threw back, "I am your equal. I am not a child. I am an adult. I know what's best for me and I want to be here. I'll take a leave of absence if that's what it takes, but I'm not going anywhere. This job is everything to me."

"Maybe a leave of absence is a good idea," he nods.

"But I do it on my terms," she stated, "I'll come talk to you when I've made up my mind. Maya left after she said that, not waiting for him to respond.

Maya called Nick to her office later, she had been thinking about the rumor that him and Quinn got together. He didn't come till toward the end of the day because of a case they were working. "You okay?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"Not really, but we can talk about that later," she paused, "I came upon some information and I just want to know if it's true."

"Okay?" He sits down across from, he guessed where it was going already before it came out of her mouth.

"I may have heard a rumor that you and Quinn got together back when you were in FLETC," she paused, "I just want to know if it's true...I'm not jealous just curious."

He sighed, "I figured you had heard that from Bishop or McGee."

"So, it's not true?" She asked.

"No, it's not true," he said, "will you be ready to go in an hour?"

"I have to make a few phone calls and they might take me awhile, I'll meet you at your place later," she told him. He nods and walks out. She didn't actually have any phone calls to make, but she was stuck thinking about her leave of absence.

Around nine, she headed out and found that Quinn was still at her desk. "Hey," Maya said, standing by her desk.

"Hey, looks like were the last here of our team tonight," Alex said, looking tired and ready to finish her report.

Maya nodded, "looks like it. Hey, I just wanted to say that Nick talked to me about that rumor."

"What did he say?"

Maya shrugged, "he told me the truth."

"Oh," Alex nodded, "I mean it was only once so."

Maya was confused but tried not to show it, "yeah, only once."

"We were both plastered," she said, "I barely remember doing anything with him and then the next morning...there we were."

Maya nodded, "right. That happens. Well, I have to get going. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya," Alex said, watching Maya walk away.

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