Off the Grid Pt.3

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"Fall in love with someone who tastes like adventure but looks like a calm, beautiful morning after a terrible storm."

Nikita Gill


The next morning, Maya called Gibbs into her office. "You wanted to see me?" Gibbs asks, walking into her office without knocking. Maya nods, staring at the tv screen that she had displaying Fred Pettis and Doyle Roden. "Why are you looking at these two?" He asks.

"I think I almost got you killed," Maya says and Gibbs turned to give her a concerned look, "fifteen years ago, when you were undercover to take down Ramsay, he somehow found out that the federal government was closing in on him. He disappeared."

Gibbs smirked, connecting the dots, "and yesterday, between two phone calls to his brother, he learned that Leland Spears was a federal agent."

"When we realized you were with Bodie, I called these two to help, and now we have a leak," Maya concludes.

"A retired NCIS agent and the Deputy Director of U.S. Department of Energy," Gibbs says and Maya nods.

Maya gets a call, "hello?"

Allison replies quickly, "Maya, Ducky and agent Quinn are here to see you."

"Send them in, Allison," Maya says and hangs up.

Ducky and Quinn walk in and immediately Duck is talking, "Jethro, there is someone in Tazewell County who's being treated for Huntington's disease."
Gibbs nods for him to continue. "Alex," Duck says for her to explain.

"May I use your computer, Director?" Alex asks Maya.

"Sure," Maya steps out of the way and Quinn walks over, "Tazewell County, Huntington's disease?" Maya glances at Duck for clarification.

"Following a lead, Maya," Gibbs says, walking around to stand and look over Quinn's shoulder as she pulls up a picture of the man. Maya looks too and the license plate says John Joseph Manning. "That's the wrong name but his age is about right. He doesn't look anything like the radical, skinhead killer, I remember," Gibbs pauses, "get us a warrant, Maya. See if one of them got a call from Tazewell County yesterday." Them being Pettis or Roden.

Maya got a text from Nick telling her that Gibbs was about to interrogate Ramsay, he knew that Maya would want to see how this situation panned out. She walked into the dark out room just before Gibbs and Ramsay walked into the interrogation room, "how'd he explain the tattoos to his wife?" Maya asks Nick, watching as Ramsay sat down.

"He said that she knew that he had a past, riding with bikers," Nick said as the door to the interrogation room opened. They both turned to see agent Quinn.

"The warrant paid off. Deputy Director Roden got a call from Ramsay's burn phone yesterday," Quinn tells Maya.

"Text Gibbs," Maya says and turns as Ramsay begins to talk to Gibbs.

"I'm willing to tell you anything you want to know. But I need you to promise me something," Ramsay says to Gibbs.

"No deals," Gibbs says, setting two photos down of dead marines, "you killed two marines." Ramsay just stared at him and Gibbs checks his phone when it goes off.

"I'm just thinking about my wife and kids," Ramsay pauses, "they don't know anything about what happened. Or who I was. I don't want them brought into this."

"They won't be..." Gibbs pauses, "if you cooperate."

"What do you want to know?" Ramsay asks.

"Where are the nuclear fuel rods?"

"Buried," Ramsay tells him, "about 500 feet from where we hijacked the truck. I carefully selected the spot because it's near an auto salvage yard. We unloaded the barrels and the truck drove away."

"We tracked that truck halfway across the state," Gibbs says, obviously not sure if he believes Ramsay. It seemed too east for Gibbs.

"Figured you would," Ramsay replied.

"Okay, write it all down and include how Deputy Director Roden at the Department of Energy tipped you off...both times," Gibb says, pushing pen and pad toward him.

Ramsay scoffs, "you know?"

"Yeah. Write it."

Ramsay clicked the pen, "when I'm finished, can I see my brother's body?" Gibbs nods in response.

Maya glances at her watch and it reads 6pm, "Nick, can you take me to my PT?" She knew he already knew about her appointment, but she had guessed he'd probably forgotten.

"Oh shit," Nick glances at his watch, "it starts at 6:30, right? Let's go."

That night, Maya was exceptionally sore from her PT but she knew it would all be worth it when she finished healing. "Want to watch a Redbox tonight?" Nick asks her as they were driving back to her place.

"Sure, let's get something scary," Maya paused, "and ice cream."

"Anything you want," he says, smiling, "you know I love a good horror film." He moved his hand from the gear to her thigh and Maya took his hand and intertwined her hand in his.

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