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"You know," he paused and she waited patiently for him to finish, "I know that you get the reports and sign off on them. So I'm curious why you asked me to brief you," he stated, but it was a question and she knew that he had a theory.

The elevators doors open and she walked out, "loved to hear your theory another time."


Maya was having a hard time sleeping and there were two reasons for that. The first was the rain outside, it had been down pouring for the last three hours and her electricity had gone out. The second was Nick Torres. He was once again on her mind and not in a subtle manner. Due to the fact that she couldn't sleep, she was daydreaming scenarios in which they were together. She knew she was being crazy and knew she couldn't be with him, especially because she was his boss. However, she still couldn't help it. The thoughts still came.

Maya rolled onto her side and unlocked her phone, she scrolled through Instagram and Facebook. Then she pulled up her contacts, her finger floated over the call button for Nick Torres. She sighed, knowing she could call him. She went to lock her phone and dropped her finger as she did so. The phone went black, but lit up again saying that it was calling Nick, "no, no, no." She clicked end in a hurry and prayed that he didn't receive the call on the other end. It was was two in the morning! She groaned at herself for her foolishness.


The next morning, she was exhausted because she only ended up getting two hours of sleep. She went to Starbucks on the way to work and ordered a large coffee with a double shot of espresso with hopes that it would fuel her enough to get through the day. She pulled into the parking garage and stepped out of her black Subaru 2012 Forester.  "Did you mean to call me last night, Director?" Nick said, approaching her with a raised eyebrow and a smirked on his lips.

"I--" she didn't finish because she saw Alex Quinn stepped out of her car and walk toward them.

"Hey, Nick. Director," she greeted both of them with a smile and they all made their way to the elevator.

"How are you adjusting to being on Gibbs team, Alex?" Maya asked, ignoring Nick's gaze beside her.

Alex smiled, "I'm really enjoying myself. I barely miss training the probes."

"So glad to hear that," Maya smiles, "and how about you, Torres? How are you adjusting to being on a team." She changed her wording for his question because he had only ever been a lone wolf or at least he had been for the last decade. She couldn't even begin to imagine how he was adjusting to being part of a team and...ultimately a family. Though he probably couldn't see that part yet, but he would soon.

"I'm transitioning well. Thank you, Director," he said, smirking as the elevator doors opened. Maya didn't stop to chat as she walked by Gibbs' clan instead she went right up the stairs and to her office where she was greeted by her assistant. Allison was holding a large coffee in her hand and a bag of some sort of pastry.

"What is it, Allison?" Maya asked, knowing Allison was going to ask for something or another." Maya sat at her desk and Allison set down the coffee and bag.

"Well, my nephews birthday party is today at 3 and I was hoping that you would let me go early," Allison gave a small smile, she knew she should have asked walker, but she also knew her boss was sympathetic to family life.

"You know I'd never say no to that, Allison. Thank you for the coffee and treat by the way," Maya paused, "What do I have on the agenda today?"

Allison grabbed her phone out, "you have a meeting at 10:30 with SECNAV which is the one that was rescheduled. You also have a lunch meeting with the director of FBI, that one is at 2. Another meeting at 4 with the Navy commander down at the port, and lastly, dinner with Abby at 8."

Maya sighed, "you will be free to leave at 1:30. I need you after my meeting with SECNAV."

"Okay. Thank you, Director," Allison says, smiling happily.

Maya smiles in return, "you're dismissed." Allison scurried out of Maya's office and prepared herself for her meeting with SECNAV. They were going to be discussing a special OP by the name of Tuscan41. If all went well today, the deep cover agent would be coming home within the next two weeks. She was excited about this because the agent had been on this project for as long as she has had the position of Executive Director.


The meeting with SECNAV went horribly and the op failed. The agent on task was found out and murdered before she could get him safely home. She was the one who had to call all his loved ones and tell them the awful news. She wished that she could do anything to comfort the family, but she knew there was nothing she could really say or do to give them what they needed. Maya was pulled into a shitty mood for the rest of the day. She cancelled her meeting with the director of the FBI so she could finish calling the family of her deceased agent.

Maya left her office when the calls were done. She went and got a coffee as well as a CAFPOW for Abby. She went down to her lab, "Abby!" She saw her friend, sitting in front of her computer at her desk.

"Maya, did you get me that? You are an angel," Abby smiles, taking the drink from her friend and gulping some down. "Why are you down here? Are you cancelling dinner?"

"No. I am still on for dinner," Maya says, "I guess I just came down for a pick me up. Today has been... Stressful to say the least."

"Lucky for you, I have quite a story for you," Abby says, "I mean it's short but it happened today and I am so going to give Torres some hell for it when I see him."

"Let's hear it," Maya asks, interested in what happened.

"They were in the squad room this morning and Bishop had just finished saying she wasn't looking for anything or to settle down then Torres said that ALL women are always looking to settle down. Like what?" Abby explained clearly annoyed.

"Huh," Maya says, surprised to have heard that. She would have thought that Nick wouldn't have believed that after what happened between them and how she hadn't pursued him. "That's an annoying assumption to make. I would definitely give him some hell, Abby," Maya paused, "well, thank you for the pick me up. I should get back to work. I'll see you later."

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