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Maya's Iranian 'friend' came in some time later, he didn't speak but he was definitely eyeing her. She sensed what was coming and there was no way she could stop it. He was a lot stronger than she was and it also didn't help that she was handcuffed. "La camiseta," he motioned for her take it off. She let out a breathe and did what she was told. "Ahora pamtelones," he says and again she does what she is told, reluctantly. He came over to her, pulled off her panties, and slipped inside of her. She bit her tongue, fighting the urge to call out in pain.


Maya was relieved when the Iranian finally left her alone. She peed and quickly redressed. She knew that she was going to be sore for the next couple of days after how he handled her. On top of that, she would be mentally blocked because she knew she wouldn't be able to admit what had happened to her. She couldn't let herself be that vulnerable. She had to be strong and deal with the situation, she needed to save herself because she wasn't sure Gibbs would save her in time.

Maya suddenly remembered a Bobby pin that she had in hair. Soon enough she was free from the cuffs which made her feel like an idiot that she hadn't remembered sooner... Now she just needed a weapon. She decided the cuffs would have to do. She stood by the door and began screaming. She couldn't have imagined her plan working out better. The Iranian came back and he hadn't expected her to jump out from behind the door. She had got the jump on him and jammed the sharp point of the cuff into his carotid artery. He would be dead in 30 seconds. He collapsed and she held him down with her foot, searching for his phone. She dialed NCIS and got Nick. "NCIS this is special agent Nick Torres," he said.

"Nick, I need your help," Maya said, panic in her voice. She pulls the door open and sneaks by some guards. She makes her way to a door and starts walking down a long hall.

"It's been three days! Where are you," he asked, "are you hurt?"

"No time, get Abby and tell her to track this number," she begs, feeling weak. She heard the doors open behind her.

"Stop right there!" They called and she started running, opening doors and getting lucky.

"I'm jogging down the steps now," he says, hearing the noise from her end, "what can you tell me?"

"2 things. Victor is not dead, he was the leader of the crew. Look at op Tuscan41," Maya mutters, hitting a dead end, "hurry, Nick. Victor wants me dead and I can't escape." She hung up, tossing the phone behind a shelf and the doors burst open. Six guns were on her now. She raised her hands in surrender, "lo siento. Lo siento."


Victor walks into the room and he was pissed, "you really tried to escape?" He strode up to her and drove a knife into her thigh. She had not expected for him to be so aggressive so quickly, she let out a yelp. "Where's the phone? Tell me, or I will twist this knife."

"Phone?" She tested, wanting to know how far she could push him and how much time she could buy her team. "What phone?"

"You know damn well what phone I am talking about," he turned the knife slightly and she bit her tongue, "now you are trying my patience. Tell me where it is, Maya."

"I don't know what phone you're talking about," she insisted, though they both knew she was lying. He turned the knife even more before pulling it out and bringing it to her throat, "my men are looking where the tracked you down to. So either tell me now or deal with the consequences later."  She said nothing and he slid the tip of the blade down her throat and she could feel the blood. He stepped away from her, "you're just being stupid. Tell me where the phone is and it'll go better for you."

"Stupid is not a nice word," Maya said, repeating something Abby had said time and time again. Victor was shaking his head, instead of using his knife again he uses his fist. Once. Twice. Three. Four times in the face. He would have continued if his buddies hadn't interrupted him. He turned and strode out of the room. 

"Let's go, princess," Victor came back, fuming, "I wish you hadn't called your buddies at NCIS."

"I don't know how you're surprised, Victor. If you knew I took the Iranian's phone," Maya stops and laughs, "now who's the idiot? If i were in your place, I would have been out of here like an hour ago. Jesus. You are fucked, Victor."

"You, bitch," he growled and grabs her by the shoulders, slamming to the ground. He gave her a couple of kicks to the stomach and then was getting ready to shoot her.

"NCIS, put the gun down!" Gibbs voice called out.

"Come any closer and I'll kill her," Victor yells. His threat was useless, Nick appeared in the door way and in a swift movement, shot Victor in the balls. Blood spurted out and over her face.

"Really, Nick?" She growled as they rushed into the room, "did you really have to shoot that low. Jesus." He smirked at her and came over, uncuffing her.

"Let's go get you cleaned up, Director," he said, helping her up, "can you walk?" Her face held a slight look of pain which answered his question and he wrapped an arm around her waist. She slipped her arm around his shoulder, grateful for the support.

"What took you guys so long?" Maya asked, feeling as though she had been hit by a truck.

"This isn't the only warehouse in a five mile radius," Nick says, "I wish we would have gotten here sooner." His tone was gentle and genuine. They exited the building and she saw what he meant. She could see at least five warehouses that were decent in size and she knew that they would have had to search everyone until they found her. She was grateful.

"Thank you for everything, Nick. For picking up, for taking me seriously, and for looking for me," she says.

"I was just doing my job," he said, walking her up to the ambulance. His answer bugged her, but she said nothing in response.

"Were gonna take you to the hospital, ma'am," the paramedic says.

"I don't think so, sew me up here. I'm fine," she says. Nick gives her a look.
"Don't give me that look, Torres. I just want to sleep in my damn bed tonight but if I go to the hospital, they'll make me spend the night."

"Go to the hospital, get that leg looked at," Nick said, in a tone that wasn't looking to be talked back to. She groaned and got in.

"You guys better come see me," Maya says.

"We'll be right behind you," Nick says.

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