Personal Leave pt.2

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They were inches apart, his lips hovered close and threatened to move in.

"I think you should go,"


Maya went to the Navy yard the next morning at eight and to her dismay didn't see Nick. She made her way to her office and started to write up the report, but it was trying her patience. It wasn't because she was forgetting anything, it was still very fresh in her mind. However, she just was not sure how much of what had happened to be displayed for everyone to see, including her Godfather. That scared her, having Gibbs know that she had been raped. Plus, it wasn't like they could hunt down a guy that she had killed herself so she left that part out. Finally, ten after ten, she was satisfied with her report and handed it off to her assistant to be given to Leon. She walked out and went down the elevator. When she walked out, she saw one of the agency's cars pull in and she immediately spotted Nick in the passengers seat as they parked. Maya quickened her steps to her car, but still made eye contact with Nick before she slipped into her car. She didn't know why all the sudden she didn't want to see him. Maybe it had to so with the report and telling him about her being raped. He was the only other person who knew. She sighed, pulling out of the parking lot and driving to Dunkin before going home.


Maya had spent the day reading, watching movies on Netflix, and chowing down on the food that easy leftover from the night before. It was more relaxing than she thought it would be. Of course, she had the occasional flashback and her heart rate would quicken, but it happened a lot less than she was actually expecting. At nine, there was a knock at the door. She threw it open and found Nick on the other side of it. He came in without saying a word, he was holding her report in his hand. "Are you sure this is the report you want to give to the director. Aren't you leaving something out?" He asked her and she couldn't tell if he was mad at her.

"I'm positive, Nick," she paused, shutting the door and facing him, "I don't really need Gibbs to know and it's an unimportant detail in the scheme of things. The man's dead, too.'s not like he can be caught and prosecuted." He seemed to ease up a little bit, realizing she was right.

"If this is what you want to say happened, then it's what happened," he says, on board now. She wondered if he was faking being upset just to have a reason to come see her, but that was wishful thinking.

"Nick, why are you here?" She asked him, wanting to know the hidden reasoning for why he was here. There had to be one because this was a conversation that could have been had on a five minute phone call.

"What do you mean? I came to ask you about the report," he answers, clearly confused.

"You could have just called me about it, but instead you're standing in front of me in my apartment," she paused, "my place isn't exactly close to yours."

His eyes narrow, "why do you think I'm here?" He cocks his head to the side and waits for an answer. Maya bit her lip and opened her mouth, but closed it again. If she said it, it was bound to happen. She went into the kitchen and he followed at a distance.

"Want some leftovers?" She finally spoke, avoiding answering the question and opening the fridge. She pulled out a few of the boxes.

"Yeah, I could eat," he says, leaning against the counter, watching her pull out some bowls. He pushed off against the counter and came up behind her, opening the fridge. She could feel his body heat radiating off of him from his closeness.

"What are you doing?" She breathed out, very aware of how close he was to her and how much she wanted him right now.

"Getting a beer? Why?" He asked, sensing her tension, "Did you want one?"

"Yeah," she said, suddenly and without warning she began to have a flashback. Her breath quickened and she walked toward the edge of the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" He said, eyeing her as she clutched the counter with one hand. He quickly knew the answer and went to her, his arms around her. He'd been comforting her a lot lately and she was beyond grateful, but she also knew that the more time she spent with him, the more likely that she would fall for him. More likely that he could crush her so easily.

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