Breathing Hard

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When two people really care about each other, they always find a way to make it work. No matter how hard it is. 


Maya had been giving herself crap about being at Nick's apartment without resolving things with him for the next three days, but he never did say anything about if he saw her or not. They hadn't been around each other much though either and they hadn't been talking which was driving her crazy. She just knew that she was going to think herself into anxiety attack if she didn't do something about it soon. So she did what she always did when she felt like this, she went down to Abby's lab. "What's wrong?" Abby asked as soon as she saw her friend walk through the door. She never had to say anything, Abby just knew. She always knew. 

"I have something I need to talk about," she paused, "But you can't tell anyone and I swear to God if you do..." she trailed off, knowing she didn't have to say that to Abby, but now she knew her friend knew that this was a big deal for her talk about. Abby knew that Maya didn't like being vulnerable, she was a lot like Gibbs in that way. 

"Spill it," Abby said, elated that Maya was about to confide in her some super important thing that she hadn't been telling anyone. 

"Hold on," Maya grabbed Abby's hand and pulled her to into the room with her desk, making sure the door closed behind her before she started talking. "I have feelings for Nick. Major feelings and he likes me back, but it's gotten complicated." 

"I knew it!!!" Abby practically shouted and Maya gave her a hard glare, "did you sleep with him yet?" Maya stared at her and said nothing. "You don't have to say anything. I can tell you did. McGee, Bishop, and Quinn have been betting about this since day one."

"Are you serious? What was the bet?" Maya's eyes narrowed, annoyed that Abby hadn't said anything to her but she also knew she wouldn't because the office was weird with betting. They would and could talk amongst the betters, but the victims of the bet had to be left out of it or it was cheating. They were all about integrity in this office, Maya thought sarcastically to herself. 

"$30 bucks that you guys would start dating, $50 bucks said you guys would sleep together," Abby said and before Maya could ask, " I bet that you guys would sleep together, McGee thought you wouldn't, Quinn agreed with me, Bishop thought you would date, and--" Abby cut herself off there. 

"And what?" Abby said nothing in response, "And what, Abby?!"

"And Tony bet that both would happen..." she trailed off, feeling bad for bringing Tony in on this.

"Tony bet on this bullshit, too?  Where does it end, Abby? Does Gibbs know?" Maya had come down here to feel better, but she was growing increasingly more upset by the second. 

"It's Gibbs. He knows all," Abby said on a shrug, "He always hears our whispering even if he isn't around, makes me think he bugged the place. That's my theory anyway," Abby hadn't finished her sentence when Maya was rushing out of her lab. "Maya!"

Maya didn't bother waiting on the elevator, instead she ran up the stairs and she was trying to keep herself together but her breathing was so quick. The mixture of fitness and panic was not a good combination for her. She was so distracted by her own thoughts that she hadn't seen anyone in front of her until she slammed into them. She felt familiar arms wrap around her before they fell back. It was Nick. "Maya? Are you okay?" He said moments after they both hit the ground. Maya looked down at him and quickly scrambled to her feet. She knew she was probably red in the face and she knew she couldn't hide her breathing. "Maya?" he said again, getting onto his feet.

Every part of her wanted to throw her arms around him and plant her lips on his but she couldn't and wouldn't allow herself to do it. She didn't know how to be transparent and vulnerable about everything. She knew she had done it with him before, but it was different this time. "I'm--I have to go," she said, brushing by him but he caught her arm. 

"No, you don't," he said, "you're upset and even if you don't want to talk about it right now or with me, I am going to hold you until your anxiety attack passes." He recognized what was happening and now was pulling her into a hug. His hand swept across her hair in a soothing motion and Maya stood stiff for a moment before she caved. Her hands encircled his waist and she let him whisper to her so that she could calm down. When he sensed her heart rate and breathing had slowed, he pulled away, "I'm here to talk when you're ready." He didn't wait for a response, he just walked out of the stairwell and left her there. She took in one deep breath then continued up to her office. 

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