Chapter 26(B)

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The picture above is the frontal view of the Anderson's estate.

I pace back and forth in the living room of my penthouse in California, the same penthouse Leah and i always spend our weekends, four years ago...

This place brings a lot of memories, both bitter and sweet ones.

I can't believe that she was abused sexually and physically by that... that beast! It's so fucking hard to comprehend!

That was why she was so closed off and always jumped at the slightest touch.

My mum was somewhere inside the penthouse, trying to stop Aunt Eleanora from breaking down due to the outcome of the meeting and how Leah responded to the news.

That is another thing i can't wrap my head on. Leah is an Anderson.

What a small world...

Alfredo was having a phone call with his father, briefing him on the current situation and Leah's resistance to accept the fact that she is the daughter they have been looking for for so long.

I hurriedly climbed the stairs, walking briskly to my room as i passed the well illuminated passage way.

I open the door, stepping into the dark  familiar space. My hand search for the switch. The light came on chasing back the darkness.

The last time i came here was four years ago, i used this room four years ago.

I felt a growing headache as so many memories rushed into my head.

I look around the clean room, searching for anything familiar that belongs to her. The bed was neat and well kept, same as the surroundings. The house keepers did well in their job.

I rummage through my half empty closet, drawers, looking for anything that belongs to her. I stopped when i caught sight of a shiny, rectangular object.

I quickly picked it up, realizing what it is. Leah's phone that i got her. I check it, it has a cracked screen with a dead battery.

I slipped it into my pocket, looking through the drawer again as my conscience pricked me. I remembered what i told and called her that day.

Am such a fucking idiot!

A big fucking idiot!


It has been a week since the visit and revelation of who they say i am.

I had to switch off my phone due to incessant calls from them.

Why can't they leave me alone? I just want to spend my holiday with my family in peace.

I spoke with Rosalia on the second day of the incidence. She sounded so shock on the phone. Max has filled her in on the situation.

She suggested if she could leave the family holiday to spend time with me but i rejected the offer. She also needs some alone time with her family since her father is trying to mend his ways and patch things up with his family.

The girl has done a whole lot for me, she deserves a break.

I need to face this situation on my own.

I hand wash the used plate in a way to keep myself busy and my brain occupied as my family are in the living room watching a show.

Apart from the impromptu visit, Christmas was awesome... I got Max a high quality camera i had been saving money for a long time ago, he was so happy as he rips open the package as the camera came into view.

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