Chapter 45

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The air was tensed, no one talked, as i drove through the street going towards our home, i had to roll down the windows to allow some fresh air. The ride was super awkward, Matt was still glaring at his twins head from behind. I sighed parking the car in front of our home.

Matt opens the door abruptly, slamming it again, i flared.

"You idiot! If you want to take your anger out on something, don't do it on my car!, it's my precious!" I screamed at his figure, he ignored my warning as he storms into the house like an hurricane, he slams the house door again, i sigh as i hear my mum's voice cautioning him.

"I will just go... " I glare at the culprit as he quietly opens the door and carefully closes it.

"And while you are at it, try not to kill each other, please i can't deal with two fighting teenage boys"
I watch him as he walks into the house, my thoughts were cut off by the ringing of my phone. 'My love' as he as stored it was displayed on my screen. I groaned, i promised to call him once i got through with the boys, he wanted to come with me but i denied his request,now he must be worried. I picked the call.

".. Hello... "

"... You promised to call.. " he grumbled.

"... Am so sorry, i just got back... "

"... Really? How was it?... " he asked his voice laced with concern.

".. It went well, they have both been released but Matt is super mad... "

"... Ouch, he is gonna blow out on him.. " I marveled at his accent.

"... When did you start learning the accent... "

"... What? You like it?... " I can feel him smirking.

"It's weird coming out from your mouth, it's good though..., a good American accent. "

"... I happen to have a good teacher... " I smile.

"That teacher must be really good... "

"... She is fantastic... " I laugh out at his words, God... This guy. I heard him sighing through the phone, something is wrong. I know him, that is not a sigh of contentment, his sigh sounds like he is worried. Don't ask me how, but i know his mood, even if we were on the phone.

"... Is everything alright?.. "

"... Absolutely, i just..wanted to know if you were we with someone this evening... "

".. Someone... As how?... " I got confused, i was with a lot of people this evening, so i can't say who exactly he was talking about.

"... Like anyone... Did you go to the police station with anyone?.... " He asked.

"... No, i went alone... "

"... Are you sure?... " he asked as if not believing me.

"... Of course am sure, where is all this coming from?... " I whined. He sighs again, i heard shouting from inside the house. "... Hunter i need to go, will talk to you later, muaah, love you... " I quickly cut the call as i rush out of the car, skipping towards the house. I opened the door as i hear my mum's voice calling them out.

"No mum! He needs to listen, am tired of cleaning up his mess every damn time!"

"I said am sorry__"

"Sorry doesn't cut it bro! That is what you say every fucking time and yet you still end up doing something stupid!"

"Matt, he said__" he cuts me off.

"No Leah! He needs to get his shit together! Am tired of being arrested or accused of his deeds! It is not only affecting him, but it is also affecting everyone of us!" I clamped my mouth shut as he let his anger out, am sure it was not because of what happened, he was just so tired of all the troubles with his twin, so he lets out all his bottled emotions. 
"Am sick and tired of all this, don't make me regret having you as my brother" he warned, pointing out his finger. My mom whined.

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