30| Secrets are meant to be hidden

495 30 3

Flashback (part 4)

Warning: contains the use of swear words and violence

"What do you want hmm?"

I was being pushed again on the wall, I bit my lip to avoid any painful hisses from spilling out. Bending my knees as I clutched my head feeling pain arise in my skull, it was happening yet again, and I couldn't do anything about it.


I didn't fall as I did before, I didn't cry as I did before, I didn't scream for help as I did before. I had to deal with this myself, no one is coming to help, and Jimin? I want him to stay out of this, I started this and I will end it, I didn't need anyone to rescue me this time, I want to overcome this, I don't want to live in fear, I want to be honest with myself.

I need to fight for myself.

I clenched my eyes shut, trying to ignore the pain in my skull, struggling not to get dizzy, buckling my knees, I shouldn't fall, I couldn't fall, I'd be swept in that hole again, where all you get is misery and pain.

"This bitch had the fucking audacity to report us to the teacher" The girl in their four gang team scoffed.

"Dude we just putting up a good show for everyone to enjoy and you just had to ruin it!" A guy said.

"Why were you with that pussy of a boy though? You have a thing for him?" another one asked.

I ignored all the questions, I needed strength, I needed to focus.

"Your gay- ass can't stop thinking about him, right?" They laughed and bickered among themselves, forgetting my presence for a second before the girl started to speak again, "Bitch you got us suspended for a week, you won't escape for what you did, newbies who behave like that deserve to be taught a lesson"

She jumped off the wall she was sitting on, making her way towards me, sucking on her lollipop. "Don't you think what she did was extremely wrong boys?"

"Oh fuck yes Jeewon, fuck her up!"

"Go Jeewon! Beat the hell out of her as we did to that boy!"

"Should I give you my pen? It's going to be a long day today, the art on that boy's arm took a lot of time" one of them said leaning up against the wall.

Wait...the art on the boy's arm?

Beat the crap out of me as they did to the boy?

What do they mean?

My eyes snapped open, finally getting a good look at all of their faces. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well now, she has the audacity to ask us questions" The girl named Jeewon flung around her arms dramatically.

"Stop twisting the question and answer me" now I was really starting to lose it. It better not be the one who I am thinking about, letting them drag me into this alley wasn't for nothing! I wanted to keep everyone out of it, especially him!

Jeewon lifted her arm to slap me and I turned my head to the side to avoid it, but before it landed on my cheek one of the guys spoke up, "Sis, go easy on her, let her first know what she has in the store for her"

"Jaewoon, would you mind shutting up?" She groaned.

"So, you want to know what we did to that boy?" the boy named Jaewoon leaned forward.

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