15| Babysitting?

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"No, no I just drank coffee; it would only upset my stomach" I protested not wanting to drink the sparkly soft drink.

"I see," Hoseok said.

He took the bottle of Sprite from my hands, sitting in a criss-cross legged position on the floor. He opened the cap and the fizzing sound was heard. I sat down beside him. After a few moments of silence, with the sound of Hoseok gulping down on sprite, he asked: "Well, what were you doing standing there?"

He looked at the door and back at me. I rubbed my nape, "Actually Mr. Kim asked me to convey a message to you."

He chuckled, "We have three Kims in this household Ms. Y/n which one is concerned right now?"

"Uh...yeah, he's Mr. Kim Namjoon"

He nodded, "What did he say then?"

"He wanted me to remind you to meet him, he wished to see you; if I put this out simply."

Hoseok's mouth fell agape as he looked at the ceiling, his face looked like the perfect definition for buffering. "Ah, I see, I'll remember this, thank-you Ms. Y/n."

I smiled slightly in reply.

"So, uh... you dance?" I asked.

"Mm...yeah, I just practice some basic skills of mine when I have free time or when I need to relieve stress or express a feeling of joy?" His sentence came out a bit more like a question as he smiled to himself, his hands behind his back, palms flat on the floor, leaning backward with their support.

If what I say was basic then I won't probably want to look at the complex stuff.

"Why? You dance too?"

I shook my head, "No"

"You seemed interested though."

"Oh yeah, you uh...are very good at it, I don't know what those moves were or how they are supposed to be done, but, yeah, you seemed flawless."

I spoke the truth for what I saw were some extra smooth moves, whether it comes to finishing a step and then moving quickly on to the other step or finishing one with ease, he made it look so easy.

"I wouldn't say flawless but I do like this a lot." His eyes shimmered as he spoke, scanning his studio.

"Is Ms. Kim here?" A familiar voice shouted through the corridor.

Does he really need to yell like that?

"That's my call," I said sighing, getting up from the floor. Hoseok nodded.

I turned around one last time before exiting the room, "Um...it was nice talking to you, Mr. Jung." I bowed. He bowed back, "Yeah, see you later Ms.Y/n."

As soon as I got out of his room I came to face Jimin standing at the other end waiting for me. I walked up to him, unlike always; he was dressed in casual wear, an orange tee, and blue jeans. My mind drifted off to what happened yesterday's morning, I mentally slapped myself when I felt heat gushing in my body.

Oh, stop it will you?!

He finally broke my thoughts with his words, "You've got work to do tomorrow, and all you have to do is look after Jungkook."

"Who's Jungkook?" I asked.

"You'll get to know him soon"

His name sounds somewhat familiar...

"By the way, your work ended earlier than usual?" I asked him.

Oops, a mistake is done.

"Hmm...how does it concern you, Ms. Kim?"

I knew it...

"Oh yeah, it really wouldn't if I wasn't here." I shrugged.

"Anyways, you'll look after Jungkook tomorrow, better do your work carefully." He said.

I held out my hand to object to him, "First of all I don't know who this Jungkook is, secondly why am I here, to babysit?"

"We both are very well aware of why you're here and as for babysitting I don't care as long as you owe me."

"Who is this kid though? Is he in his teens? Is he your son?"

"Is it some kind of joke? Of course, he is 22 you saw him a few days before." Jimin said, annoyed.

Oh, it's that boy who exclaimed out loud about me hitting him.

I frowned, "Care to explain why do a twenty-two-year-old needs babysitting Mr. Park?"

"I never said babysitting, it's you who mentioned that word, I said you'd have to look after him, not to babysit him."

"Is there a big difference between those two terms?"

"I don't know Ms. Kim. I'm sure you'll find the answer by tomorrow though." He shrugged and walked away.

He's a pain in the ass. 

I pinched the bridge of my nose.


Sitting on the couch of the living room, my hands spread out on my legs, cupping my face, staring blankly at the television screen.

Is this what they call re-thinking life decisions?

"Wish I wouldn't have slapped him" I sighed.

"Feeling lonely?" A voice behind me said.

I whipped my head behind to see Jin standing smiling at me.

I huffed out, "Maybe, maybe not"

"Well, I have something planned for today as well as tomorrow" He folded his arms over his chest.

"Is it tomorrow? I finally get to apologize to him and bye-bye?" I asked, hopeful.

"Geez, we aren't monsters that you want to escape from us that bad."

"Really, maybe you are and you just don't know," I mumbled incoherently.

"Huh?" He blurted.

"And what's that" I shook my head and asked him.

"Today we all are going to have dinner together, and tomorrow we'll go out to take a stroll in the nearby park, I guess Jimin has told you to look after Jungkook right?"

I nod.

"After that we all are free and I'm tired of living in this house's four walls."

So I get to be alone for once in this goddamned house?

"Good then you can all go; I'll wait up in the guest room," I said trying to hide my face of happiness with a blank stare.

"No, you're going to be with us too." He said scowling.

"That's something for you all right? It's unofficial so doesn't make any difference if I'm there or not." I reasoned.

"It's not like you would've gone for an outing or to have dinner with the companies you collaborate with, these are part of the business and therefore official, aren't I right Ms. Y/n?"

I scoffed, "Am I collaborating with you all?"

"No, but you're staying at our house though," Jin said.

"Did I wish to?"

He put his hand under his chin pretending to think, "No, but now you are staying anyways so you need to come."


"I don't like to hear any buts, you're coming with us, and that's it." He cut me off.


"Rude" I muttered.

"Oh very well, thanks then."



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