18| Locked up

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What am I even thinking?

I sighed, asking Jimin for a favor would result in lowering my self-esteem further, and sure enough, I would not want that. Mumbling to myself, I got up and strode towards the first and safest option in my view. 

I walked towards the door and pressed my ear on the surface, squinting my eyes as I tried to focus on any sound coming from the other side. 

I'm sorry Taehyung, I shouldn't be acting like a creep but, I'm desperate. 

I waited for his response; although I knew I was going to be greeted by nothing but silence. As if on cue, he snored loudly. I backed away from the door, rubbing my forehead, standing like a ghost in a silent and dark hallway.   

It isn't a good idea to rely on Taehyung for everything. 

Mentally preparing myself, I opt for the second and undesired choice. It wouldn't even matter if I woke him up, I just needed him to not panic, and think I'm a creep trying to get into his clothes. 

"Okay," I said to myself as I knocked lightly at his door.

No response.

 Seriously?! Not you too.

 After knocking thrice I began to lose it. I pounded on his door with my clenched fist, really hard this time.

I cheered up as I heard a groan from inside. The door opened revealing a Jimin with messy hair, tired eyes, and he was in his pajamas not to mention. 

"You?!" he seemed flabbergasted, eyes widening. "Surprise!" I smiled nervously looking at him. "What are you doing?" He asked, his brows furrowed. "Well, umm... can I ask for a favor?" 

"There's no way I'm doing a drunk lady a favor, who knows what you're thinking at the moment." He began to shut the door.

But I held it, preventing it from getting close. This was really important and he needed to understand that, I can't give up on my precious sleep. 

"Wait! please it won't take long I promise, just open this damn door." I pleaded, my dignity going down the train, who cares now? I already gave up on everything, sleep is important than my non-existent dignity in his eyes. 

"Fine, what do you want?" he inquired, opening it once again. "I'm sorry to disturb you but I need to talk to you."

 "I'm busy right now, so we can talk tomorrow," he turned around, shutting the door once again.

 I held his door with my hands, gripping onto the wooden material, I certainly wasn't going to back off now. 

"JUST LISTEN TO ME ONCE!" I literally yelled at him. He finally gave up, "What do you want? just cut it short!" He sighed, running his hand through his blonde locks. 

"Yeah. So, as I was saying-" I paused upon hearing a click sound. Both of us turned our heads in the direction of the sound, a door flung open. Before anyone could step out, Jimin pulled me into his room as he shut the door quickly and pressed me against the door, his body caging mine, he was listening to the footsteps coming, leaning closer to the door. 

My breath hitched as his minty fragrance intoxicated my mind. 

Someone tell this man, we shouldn't be this close to a stranger. 

I froze as I whisper yelled, "What are you doing?!" 

"Be quiet! Will you?" he hissed, looking at me in annoyance. He once again looked away from me, his side profile coming to my view. He was dangerously close.  Just then a groggy voice spoke from the other side. "Jimin what was that noise?" I gasped loudly, "Oh shit."

 Jimin covered my mouth using his hand. He shot me a glare, looking pissed to the edge. 

"Yes, hyung everything's just perfectly fine." He stared at me, emphasizing the word 'perfectly'. I removed his hand from my mouth and slid out of his capture, to the other side of the room. 

"Then, what was yelling I heard?" Jin asked, sounding highly skeptical. "Uh... you know those horror movies, that's a girl escaping from a Dracula."Jimin made up a story. 

Someone, please tell this boy how to make up realistic excuses.  I mentally cursed. "Oh really? Then,  you wouldn't mind me taking a look at what you're watching, right?" Jin demanded.

Jimin looked at me and gulped harshly before diverting his gaze again to the door and speaking to the sleepy man outside, "Hyung, I'm not wearing my pants actually."

 My eyes grew wide as I smacked my forehead at the lame excuse, the smack sound echoed in the whole room.

Jimin glared at me, I could tell he was really mad this time, I froze. 

Oh no! This is getting worse.

 "What was that noise?" 

 "I-I tripped." Jimin stuttered. I could tell this man was afraid of the elder.

"Gosh, Jimin. Don't tell me that you're horny and you're watching porn," Jin spat back. 

I looked at Jimin and he looked flustered, without delaying he shot back at Jin, "W-What?! Of course not, what are you talking about hyung?" 

There he goes with stuttering again, I'm done. 

I let out a sigh as I plopped on his bed, then my eyes caught his MacBook. 

It's now or never. 

I took his laptop placed on the table beside the bed and started searching for a particular video. I looked at Jimin and he clearly looked annoyed.

"What are you doing?" he mouthed. "Let me do this!" I replied. "If you're not watching porn then open up and let me see what you were doing." Jin broke the conversation. 

I placed his laptop back on his table, as Jimin rushed to me took a hold of me, and shoved me inside his closet, "Better stay in here till I let you out." he whispered. He closed the closet's door before whispering, "Be quiet." to me.

I listened as Jimin scurried to the door, opening it for the angry man outside. 

 "O-Oh, hi hyung." He stuttered.

 "Let's get to the point first, what were the two noises and what were you doing?" Jin demanded an answer.

"I already told you that, I was watching a movie about Draculas," he said. 

 "Okay, how were you watching that, I can see the TV's turned off right now?"Jin fires another question.

"I-I was watching it on my...laptop," he said with a pause.

"Very well then, let me see it."Jin's steps could be heard, thumping against the floor until they stopped, I held my breath in, praying that I clicked on the right one. My blood ran cold when I heard Jin say, "Jimin, were you watching this the whole time?"

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