26| Afraid to believe

496 36 2




I flinched as another punch landed on the guy's face. Y/n is beating the hell outta those three guys from the past 5 minutes saying, 'You need to learn a lesson to know what's wrong and what's right'.

It all initiated when Y/n swiftly removed the boss's hand from her shoulders only to pull him down by his wrist, making him stumble and his face crashed to the ground. Before he even got a chance to re-establish his balance, she stomped hard on his face, probably breaking his jaw into pieces.

The other two took this as their cue to pounce on her together. I took a step forward to help her but with the glare, she offered me once I did I knew I will be one of them if I don't listen to her.

she dodged the punch fired from the left side and got a hold of his wrist, yanking him towards her only to smash his chin with her knee. Getting a blood-chilling scream from him, it must've hurt a lot.

While the third one is currently being beaten up by this lady, who works out 3 hours a day, has abs, beating these guys to death, and still couldn't lift Jeon Jungkook...

Damn, we must've fed him a lot.

The third one was now on the ground, turned over, his arm twisted behind his back, Y/n sitting on top of him. Her one hand twisting his arm, the other on his nape.

I guess it's safe to say...don't mess with her.

That guy is practically choking, being strangled to death.

God! I don't want to end up in jail, for being an accomplice!

I grabbed her hand which is wrapped around his nape. She looked at me with gritted teeth, damn, more furious than a wild animal I see, "Stop Already! Do you want to end up in jail or something?" She doesn't give up continuing to struggle free from my now tight grasp.

She's persistent.

"Y/N! People are watching!"

"If people just watch and do nothing then I don't care!"

"You know they don't let you work out in jail!"

No response.

" You won't even get good food you dumbass!" She immediately stopped pulling back, looking at me with a blank expression. She sighed and slowly got up.

Gotcha Buddy!

'A woman's weakness lies in her stomach', they said.

She turned to those three groaning men on the ground, smiling before saying "So kids tell me what did you learn today?" Her smile sending shivers down my spine. "W-we will never...ugh...see any girl with...lust" One of them replied.

"Annnnnnd?" Y/n sang out.

"Every wo-woman is...our sister" the Second one grunted in pain.

"Good my children! Now go home, momma's waiting for ya'll"

After they left, she turned to me to stop abruptly. "Did you see a ghost or something?"

I closed my mouth, which I didn't know was hanging open. "I-I...your kids are gonna suffer a lot in future"

"Ah...Tae stop talking shit and let's go" she waved her hand in the air.

I quietly followed her, glancing at her side profile now and then. Opening my mouth to speak but shutting it close when I couldn't muster the courage to. "It's not healthy to keep questions lingering for years in that small mind of yours, so better start spilling" she huffed out and I chuckled.

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