38| Controversial Business Trip

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"I'm not sure if I could do this, how can you be so sure about it Mr. Kim?" I enquired, sitting upright on the chair in front of him. "Ms. Y/n we both know, what happened was totally out of the blue, but rejecting a client's request isn't beneficial for business." Jin sighed, as he placed his head on his palm.

I bit my lip, "There has to be something, tell them I am assigned to any other task and I'm not available."

Jin sighed again, "That's not how it works, you are aware of that very well too."

When he called me in his chamber, I already had a fair idea that it was going to be about what that man had said; but seeing how stressed Jin was, I doubted if it was even a thing that I could shrug off. Everything went down the drain when that man proposed the idea of me following these seven men to Italy.

My brows furrowed in concern, "And I'm guessing you don't know what will happen, if the media or any other person sees me working, here, my 'rival' company instead of my own, I would get fired! I'm already taking my chances here, but, flying with you all to another continent?" I scoffed, "Please, think of it once, I'm already struggling with how I will address my sudden absence from the company."

Jin rubbed his temple before he could speak anything; I cut in, "For how many months are you all planning to stay there?"

"For about two months."

I chuckled dryly, "Two months?! Do you even realize how long that is? Literally, eight weeks, that is fifty-six days! It's easier to find an excuse for a week or two, but eight weeks? You've got to be kidding me."

"I don't see any way how I can avoid this at the moment," Jin finally looked at me.

I sighed in frustration, "Okay, call a conference meeting with media right now, I'm going to apologize to Jimin," I gulped, my throat running dry, "All will be back to normal again, and we part ways."

"And that would leave a good impact of our companies on our clients?" Jin clicked his tongue, "I can't believe how blunt you are, and are you really a manager?"

If I wasn't annoyed to the edge at the moment, I would've replied to his snarky comment similarly, but I chose to avoid an argument for good, "That's because I haven't been in such a situation before, I wasn't looking up to my future to get in this mess!"

"Neither was I!"

I slumped back, muttering under my breath, "We should be calm when dealing with this," Jin nodded in accord. "I don't know what you'll do, but, I am not going to Italy, no way in hell, I'm already sacrificing my time for you, and I won't complain, I know I deserve it, but I can't do everything that you wish me to," I stood up, "It won't be that hard to say, she resigned or she was an intern and decided to join somewhere else."

Jin fumbled with the paper-weight mindlessly, staring intensely at the object. "And if you can't do this, I will gladly talk to him myself," I paused, "Also, tell me the date when I finally finish my main task because I'm seriously dreading to go back."

Jin exhaled sharply and nodded, "Okay," he whispered.

I quietly walked out of the congested room, shutting the door lightly behind me, making my way towards where I wanted to be the most at the moment.


"That was tense," Taehyung said, eyes widening.

I sighed loudly, "I know right?"

Of course, where would I go except coming back to him every single time? I felt bad for always bugging him about anything and everything, from clothes to work, I couldn't express how grateful I was towards him sometimes; listening to all my rambling, ranting, and whining. Taehyung was one of the people whom I've opened up this much to, as crazy as it seems to share your thoughts and opinions to a stranger, but Taehyung...he just didn't seem like one. He didn't feel the same as Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jungkook, or Jimin.

IT ISN'T YOUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora