37| Project Presentation

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"What did I say again?" I huffed out in frustration, ruffling my hair.

Taehyung leaned back in his leather chair, "You said, 'Yes, I'm perfectly fine to Jin hyung when he asked you if you're willing to do it."

I smacked my forehead, "What was I even thinking?" I muttered rubbing the stinging skin.

"How would I know?"

"I didn't even ask you!"

"You're hyperventilating now, what's the matter?" He spread out his arms on his desk, eyeing my figure pace back and forth in his chamber. I sat down on the couch, letting my head fall into my hands, "I know I agreed to it, but, at the same time I didn't."

He shot me a look of puzzlement upon hearing my answer. "I was in deep thoughts and didn't even hear what any of you said! So, basically, I don't know; what's the ordeal of letting me do this thing instead of one of your 'real' employees?"

"Okay, I'll repeat," Taehyung huffed out, "The person who had to present the concept of this project couldn't come today because of an emergency, so, we had no one to do the presentation, and we need someone who is experienced enough and will not screw up, the first name Jin hyung could think of was yours, that's why he called you along with us."

Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I asked, "Why me? Why can't any one of you do that?"

"We all are at the seven most important positions in the company," He paused for a second, "Not bragging, okay?" I nodded, gesturing him to continue. "So, we have to be seated there, interacting with the group of people who are interested, so any questions asked by them will be answered by us, not you, you just have to explain the project."

"Where's the file?" I stood up, walking to his desk. Taehyung bent down, opening one of his desk drawers, he took out a black ring file, pushed it towards me. "All the information is in here, narration is what you have to do."

Flipping through the pages, I understood what it was for, "This is for a car commercial, isn't it?"

"Exactly," he nodded.

"You work in Suizez Y/n, it's the second leading marketing company of our country, you must've got a lot of experience, you're their manager, no wonder Jin hyung first thought of you."

I sighed, "But I don't know if I can do it, it is different here Tae. This is not Suizez."

"Take it as an internship company then, it will be a lot easier." He grinned.

Nodding, I closed the file.

Maybe...just maybe, I can do this.


Looking around, the men and women taking their seats around the table of the conference room, Jin greeting each one of them, I gulped, my hands clammy, rubbing my palms against my jeans, I turned to Taehyung standing behind me. He looked at me, "Tae I don't think I can do this, what if I mess up? You're bigger than Suizez, what if someone recognizes me as the ill-tempered woman who raised her hand on Park Jimin? I can't do this, I'll mess-"

Taehyung put one of his hands on my shoulder, the other over my eyes, blocking my view, "You're panicking now," for the moment; his deep voice was all I could hear in the room, cutting off all the other hustling sounds and hushed whispers.

"Breathe in." He spoke calmly, his hand still covering my eyes.

I inhaled deeply, focusing on the warmth of his palm over my eyes, and his soothing voice in this chaotic atmosphere.

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