21| With an introvert

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It had been an hour since I was sitting in Jungkook's room watching over him while he concentrates on his video games.

Man, this boy has a little inbuilt arcade in his room; can these guys be any more luxurious?

I had no other option but to stay put and watch him doing his stuff, only my mobile to give me company, everything seemed boring. I felt thirsty, decided to go downstairs, but then my eyes landed on the figure sitting on the floor, his eyes focused on the screen, with a headphone that enveloped both his ears.

"I have to ask him about it too," I mumbled.

"Hey." He didn't seem to hear it.

"Hey!" I called out a little louder, still no reply.

"HEY!" I shouted. "

Yes?", he answered without taking his eyes off the screen, pushing his headphones down to hear clearly.

At least he isn't a pain in the ass like Jimin.

"I was going downstairs to grab myself a bottle of water, are you hungry or something? I can cook for you if you want." I asked getting up from the bed near his play station.

"No, thanks, Jin hyung must've left something for me in the refrigerator. Please get me that," he answered while putting his headphones back on, not waiting for a reply.

"Okay, I guess," Getting out I shut the door lightly behind me, hurrying downstairs.

He did say that Jin left something for him in the fridge.

Opening the door refrigerator, the cold winds brushed against my face. A relaxing feeling took over as I breathed deeply.

Today's pretty hot outside.

Scanning through various containers of the fridge a bright neon green sticky note caught my attention, pulling out the small bottle, I rested my hand on the fridge's door, trying to read what was scribbled on it.

Ms. Kim, hope Jungkook is fine and not demanding too much from you. If he needs something to drink, hand him these bottles. I'm sure he won't feel hungry until we come back, he had a heavy breakfast. You can help yourself with whatever you want.

Yeah I and that guy are doing great; I mean I nearly forgot his name, what else do you expect from me?

I took out those bottles—seemingly banana milk— and placed them on the dining table.

Let's see what we have here.

Opening the cooling appliance once again, I took out a bottle of cold water from the upper rack. Leaning against the table, I gulped down on the water, the cool liquid oddly satisfying, soothing the scorching heat.

I smiled as I made my way back to Jungkook's room, the same as I left it. I closed the door behind me, walking up to him. Hunching down I contemplated on where to keep the bottles. He sensed my presence, turning around to face me, sitting in a cross-legged position. "Thank you very much," he said extending his arm, looking up at me. Handing him the bottles, I plopped on his bed; realizing how neatly organized his room was, walls a shade of light grey contrasted perfectly with his arcade-like surroundings, his cupboard was white in color, one of his jackets hanging on the hook beside his cupboard.

Plants placed neatly on the window's countertop. The window was big enough to illuminate the whole room without using any lights, as the sun's rays filtered through it. A few comic books covered the shelf's area above the bed's headboard. But the main attraction was his playing station; he had a whole gaming set. This boy loved a peaceful environment and it showed.

His phone rang, interrupting the silent atmosphere that surrounded the room. Jungkook took off his headset and put his controller down, as he picked up his phone. I stood up to leave, feeling as if I was intervening with his privacy. He insisted me to stay, indicating he seemed to have no problem with it.

"Hello", he started

"Yes, hyung?"

"Hmm, she's here with me"

He kept answering the questions asked.

"Right now?" Jungkook sounded irritated as he looked out of the window.

"Fine." he sighed

"Yeah, bye; come home soon." he ended the phone to turn towards me, catching my stare on him.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Jin, hyung," he answered.

"Any message he wanted to give me?"

Please let it be me going back and they handled the stuff...

"He wanted you to come to watch me while I do my training." He huffed out. "Training?"

"Yeah." He got up and switched off the game, making his way towards the coffee table beside his bed. Jungkook pulled open one of the drawers and took out his gun. "So, it's shooting?" I asked, remembering what Taehyung told me about them keeping guns. Though it was hard to believe it wasn't some made-up story, they all seemed to be fine with it—using guns; it made me wonder if they even had the license to use one.

"Yeah," He answered, eyeing his gun.

"Where do you practice?"

"In the backyard," Wearing his black bucket hat, he walked towards the door.

"Okay, then let's go." I got up from the bed, but he stopped me.

"I'm going alone, please stay here." Jungkook mused. "But Mr. Kim said-"

"I know, but I'd like to practice alone."

"Oh Okay, go ahead. If you need something you can ask me, I guess."

He hummed and shut the door, leaving me alone inside his room.

"Just introvert things," I mumbled.


Jungkook went outside in the backyard, welcomed by the afternoon sun shining mercilessly down on the earth. Its blinding rays burned on his bare arms as he began setting up the training set.

All of them knew how to use a gun except the youngest. He has been practicing for a year but still lacked something that he wasn't able to figure out.

He stopped asking the others to help him train, always getting the same shrug as their reaction and the same words. 'You have to find your own faults, and no one else can do that for you, until and unless you try yourself'

And the boy was trying his best since he got the privilege to hold the metal.

He was progressing slowly, it took him a few shots beforehand he could actually aim for the target, missing it by a mere centimeters distance, Jungkook had yet to polish himself to master his skills, hitting the target at one go.

After putting everything together in place, he positioned his body, ready to aim. Putting his right leg back, he twisted his body a little to shoot better. Holding the gun in front of him; he placed his right hand on top of the gun and left gripping the back portion; fingers on the trigger ready to pull it any second.

He shot, the bullets piercing through the air, the loud bangs echoing in the peaceful summer afternoon, but none of them hit the bull's eye. He tried again, but couldn't hit the red circle mocking at him.

It always landed somewhere near the extreme target. A few minutes passed, and he started to perspire heavily, breathing started to get uneven. The bright sunny day causing a major interruption in his business, but he had no intention to stop.

I need to hit the target in one go.

Drowned in his determination; he pressured his body to go through extreme limits; Jungkook felt dizzy, it frustrated him on seeing how he can't do anything cause of his fatigued body. It has only been an hour and the boy was working insanely in nearly forty degrees.

Jungkook felt his mind go into a frenzy as the world started to disappear in front of his eyes, black blotches clouding his vision. He fell to the ground with a thud. 

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