42| Heated Arguments

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"Oh, really? Last time I checked you don't rule nor own me Ms. Kim," Jimin seethed, shooting daggers at my face as marched back to his desk, leaning against it.

"That not the point Mr. Park," I spoke, trying to remain calm after my outburst at him. It sucks to say, I'm not able to handle that Jimin was badmouthing about me all the time. I get it; it was my fault from the start. I'm sorry for that too, but he just had to ruin it by inappropriately addressing Taehyung and me. He just had to elicit some triggering response from me to only get into another of our arguments.

He just couldn't understand—a twenty-three-year-old, with the mindset of a moody teenager who snaps at anything and everything. He couldn't think on the rational side for once, always appraising me as a foe.

"I don't get any other valid reason why you walked in if it's not sabotaging something."

I clenched my jaw, whispering, "Think logically for once, you fool."

Jimin cleared his throat, tongue poking his right cheek, "I am not here to listen to you speak malign words for me."

I huffed in frustration, "What do you even want Park Jimin? Are you even sure of something?"

He chuckled dryly, "Well, yes. I want you to get out, now." Emphasizing the word 'now' he snapped his fingers, neck-craning towards the door. Crossing my arms over my chest; I refused. I wasn't leaving, not until he understands what Taehyung is going through; what I am going through. Remembering Taehyung's teary eyes from earlier, I frowned, what kind of friend is even Jimin. How could he just give up on him like that, ignoring him?

"Do you even know what is Taehyung going through?" I whispered, my voice fading into the air as I locked gazes with him. "There you go again," he scoffed, "He sent you didn't he?"

"He is the most worried Mr. Park. More than you, more than me; he is suffering because of the drama we're putting up. But you won't listen to him, will you?"

Jimin burst into laughter, holding his stomach, supporting his figure from falling with the desk. I eyed him incredulously, bewildered at his reaction to the current situation. He sniggered, wiping at his tears from laughing too hard. "Wow," he chuckled as he clapped, "It just surprises me how fast you're poisoning people against me, you're one successful manipulator, Ms. Kim."

My eyes enlarged, throbbing veins, my blood pressure accelerating. There's a limit till one can handle something, there's a line that can never be crossed, and he exactly did that.

"Shut up!" I shouted, making his instantaneous laugh stop. Striding up to him, I continued, "Will you just freaking be rational? Have you always been a whining child who doesn't know how to solve a problem without a mentor? Are you that shallow person? It's clearly annoying for me, it is annoying for you too, yet you're behaving like an immature! Are you even mature in the first place? I highly doubt that."

I clenched my fist, "Speaking ill of me. Okay, that's good, I don't care, speak of me negatively as much as you want. I don't care how much you loathe me, but using claims like 'molesting' and 'manipulating' and that I'm turning your own people against you." I scoffed. "Grow up Park Jimin; this isn't a high school drama for god's sake. If you seriously don't know how adults behave, I'm worried you're gravely dysfunctional when it comes to insightful thinking."

Jimin clicked his tongue, grabbing my wrist harshly before muttering I don't have to listen to your crap under his breath. My breath hitched as his skin came in contact with mine, those once gentle hands now in a solid lock around my wrist. When he twisted the doorknob I yanked my arm back forcefully.

He glared at me. I stepped back and said out loud, "I've had enough of you bossing around. You can't tell me what I have to do and what not; Now, I'm going to do what I have to, and you're going to sit right there in your chair doing nothing except signing a few papers."

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