17| Sleep deprived

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"And...done," I stepped back from the dining table, placing the pot of hot stew on it. "I hope you didn't poison it," Jin said wiping the cutlery and keeping them on the table. I scowled, "I'm not so heartless as you think, taste it," I spooned out the brew, blowing on it, I brought the spoon up to his mouth, "Here."

He eyes me skeptically before reluctantly parting his lips, his eyes widened when the liquid touched his tongue, a tangy flavor savoring his taste buds; he put his hand over his lips as he spoke, "This is incredulously delicious."

My smile tugged down in a frown, "What do you mean by 'incredulously'? I can cook too!" I took the plate out of his hands, keeping it on the other side. "It doesn't seem so," he said licking his lips, focusing on the glass utensils again.

"Yeah, I get that quite a lot" I shrugged wiping the sweat off my forehead with my sleeve.

"Jin hyung is dinner ready?" Taehyung came down the stairs, his feet producing heavy thuds. I whipped around to look at him.

"Jin hyung-" He stopped mid-sentence when he noticed me standing near the dining table.

"Oh Y/n, what are you doing here?" He inquired walking towards me.

"Nothing much, he asked me for help with the meal so here I am." I mused gesturing towards the older man. "Ah, I see, what did you cook?" His eyes scanned the dishes laid out on the wooden surface.

"Hurry, come down for dinner," Jin shouted from the foot of the stairs.

Borrowing a spoon from Jin, I filled the concave object with stew; I blew to let it cool down, "Nothing much, just this stew, taste it." I brought the metal object up to his lips, opening my mouth, he mimicked my actions. His eyes enlarged and he nodded in approval. "This is good." Taehyung lifted his hands to do a 'thumbs up' gesture.

I smiled, "Thanks."

The sound of several feet hurrying downstairs made me and Taehyung look at the staircase at the same moment. He takes me by surprise when he grabs my wrist rushing inside the kitchen.

"What-" I was cut off by him.

"Just see what kind of guy Jimin is when he's with us."

"I already told you I don't have any interest" I folded my arms over my chest. He sighed, "You and Jimin won't open up to each other, and this isn't helping the situation you both are stuck in!"

"And how will I watching him discreetly help that?"

"Taehyung, where are you?" Jin called. He looked over my shoulder and shouted, "Yes, give me a second." Fixing his gaze back at me he breathed out, "Just don't come out" with that he hurried out of the kitchen before giving me a chance to object.

"Jimin was watching boss baby today, did you enjoy it?" I heard Namjoon say, I poked my head out a little. "Hyung..." Jimin covered his face in embarrassment his cheeks flushing red. I blinked and rubbed my eyes.

"He even said Staci is a smart and cute girl." Taehyung chimed.

"Seriously you too? Stop pulling my leg you all." Jimin shot him glares from across the table.

"Can we just eat in peace," Jin stated, a bit frustrated?

All of them laughed. Jimin's eyes crinkled at the end, forming two crescents, his plump lips forming into a line as a grin stretched over them.

"Okay, my child enough gawking for today." I flinched hearing those words, whipping my head only to see a smirking Taehyung.

"B-But you were sitting over there, just now." I pointed at one of the empty chairs. "And earlier someone was saying she's not interested," he remarked, teasingly.

"I'm still not interested." I scoffed.

"Yeah" he dragged the word eyeing me suspiciously. I frowned and walked out, my eyes met Jimin's, the smile that was on his face a few moments ago faded, and he looked rather annoyed now.

Yeah I know, I know, I understand your feelings, I hate you too.

"Why is she here?" He clenched his jaw as he spoke.

"Of course, to have dinner with us," Jin answered.

"Why?" Jimin asked looking away.

"Before I answer your question, may I know who all have a problem with her here" he inquired.

"Just don't make her sit beside me, she'll probably murder me", Taehyung commented, walking out of the kitchen, making everyone laugh. I nudged him with my elbow, "Be quiet if you want to live." I seethed. He held his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, back to the topic please does anyone have one?"


"Well that makes it clear, she's going to eat with us and if you don't want her to be here Jimin, you will only eat the rice and side dishes because she's the one who made the stew," Jin added.

The dinner was indeed delicious, but I didn't have an appetite. I barely ate anything; all the six men except Jimin were laughing and talking among themselves. They tried to include me in the conversation too, but my mood wasn't helping me do that. I and Jimin stayed quiet, him eating food without saying a word.

Once everyone was done with eating I decided to help Jin with the dishes, "Are you sure you're okay? You seemed uncomfortable at that time." Jin asked scrubbing the dishes clean. "Did I? I don't know, I was lost in a trail of thoughts I guess."

He hummed, "Why the sudden friendliness though?" He put another plate in front of me to wipe. I sighed, "I think it's true what you said, unless both of us compromise we can't do anything, so take this as me being cooperative towards the situation."

Jin smiled, "I see."

"Who's Jungkook?"

He looked at me, one of his brows rising, "Why do you," he paused as if processing what I said, "Ah, yes, can you please stay here tomorrow and look after him? I know he's a grown-up man but he still needs care, apparently, none of us are going to the office tomorrow and we six have something we need to handle, he won't bother you, just cook him something if he asks, that all is what I ask for."

I nodded in accord, "Okay."


I tried to fall asleep, but in vain, it felt like something wasn't right, I felt uncomfortable, switching my positions, and flipping on my sides didn't help at all.

I sat up on my bed tired, my gaze shifted to my pajamas. I knew what was stopping me from getting sleep. My fingers ran over the fabric, it was cold and wet. I groaned in disbelief.

Did I really have to wash this one today, and toss the other one into laundry?!

I checked my phone it's was pretty late almost one am.

Jin would be asleep, Taehyung would be asleep too, then whom should I borrow a pair from, I'm still not that comfortable with the others and it wouldn't be good to wake them over a pair of pajamas.

I opened my social media hoping that it'll drive me to sleep, my eyes widened when I saw Jimin was active.

Is he awake? 

I decided to text him.


"Maybe, I can ask him."



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