20| Morning Pancakes

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The door to one of the rooms opened revealing a man in his pajamas, as he lazily made his way in the direction of noise he heard this morning, totally unaware of what is going to happen he made his way towards the living room, with a baseball bat in his hand. He slammed the door open and shouted, "Who is it?!"

I clicked my tongue, "What a peace-destroyer you are Kim Taehyung."

"Oh, and good morning; aren't you up early today?" I added.

"Good morning Y/n. What were you doing I may ask?" Taehyung asked, narrowing his eyes at me. "I was exercising," I replied averting my focus back to the mobile screen.

Taehyung yawned and took a seat on the bean bag near the couch, his pillow clutched in his arms as he dropped the baseball bat. "Since when?", he asked groggily, staring at the clock that said 8 am. "Since seven o'clock."

"How do you wake up early? I can still go back to sleep." Taehyung's small sleepy were drooping, indicating he can pass out.

I looked at him, craning my neck, "Then what's bothering you, go back to sleep."

"I'm hungry though," He mumbled.

"You aren't even properly awake."

"So? Can I not be hungry?"

I shrugged, "Who says you can't?"

"Hey, do you have Red Bull?" I inquired.

"In the refrigerator, top right corner, the first shelf," he answered, yawning.

I grabbed the can and sat down on the couch again, sipping the drink occasionally.

"I didn't know you were into physical workouts."

"You've known me for like a week Taehyung, of course, you don't know."

"What else do I not know?"

"And why do you want to know?" Seeing my questioning gaze on him, he spoke up instantly, "I'm just curious."

"Okay, here are two more facts about me," I sighed, gulping down the liquid, the minor burning sensation on the back of my throat.

"I know a few combat skills, just simple self-defense and I know how to shoot."

Taehyung's droopy eyes grew wide upon hearing the second part of the sentence, shifting across from me; he held the pillow to his chest. "Shooting as in using a gun?"

I nodded, "Damn, you're equally dangerous then," he shuffled to his feet.

"Why? Do you also know how to use it?"

Taehyung nodded slowly, "All of you?" I asked.


"Why? What's the use?"

"First you tell." He demanded.

"I was thinking of joining military or police department first, and I even trained for a year or so, but then I gave up and joined Suizez." I shrugged.

"Now, why do you all know that?" I eyed him skeptically.

"It's because of Jin hyung, years ago, when we weren't working together, Jin hyung faced something terrible. It's safe to say business mafias were included. It was more like a scandal, and Centura at the time, went bank corrupt and the employees were," he grimaced, "Tortured and killed, just because Jin hyung involuntarily got involved with their illegal stuff. He put the company back to its feet again, and we live together because he doesn't want any of his employees to face the same. In case of an emergency, we should know how to protect ourselves; he made us learn shooting."

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