23| Watch and Learn

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"Say whatever you want to, but I could clearly see where you were going with that," he said, voice filled with rage once again.

"For the millionth time, it's not what your dirty mind thinks Mr. Park," I spoke calmly.

Sure enough, the man would have been angry if he found his brother in such proximity with a stranger.

"Oh, really? Then do the honors and explain, so that I can believe what you just said," he crossed his hands in front of his chest; his voice boomed in the quiet room.

"If he would've been awake he would've told you."

"So now you're blaming it on Jungkook?" He raised his voice.

"Not blaming Mr. Park. Stating the possibilities" I shrugged.

"You better know that if I told Jin hyung about it you're finished."

I scoffed, "He would've been more understanding than you."

"Don't be so sure about what you don't know," he glared.

"Reality is much different than what it seems to be." He stepped closer.

I instinctively took a step back, "What were you doing?" He questioned again.

This is a never-ending saga, is it?

"Helping him," I replied.

"Do you think I'll believe that?"

Then why are you asking me, dude?

"You were trying to molest him!" he fired.

Excuse Me?

My eyes widened as the suppressed anger bubbled up to the surface, "I know my limits! I know whom to respect! And accusing me of molesting him? Mr. Park, I'm not a creep like you think I am! I wasn't sneaking upon him! He was fully aware of my presence in the room! HE'S DEFINITELY YOUNGER THAN ME. HOW COULD I POSSIBLY EVEN?" I shouted at Jimin.

He fell silent.

The silence before the storm was terrifying. He stepped forward again, looking at me in the eyes, "You don't respect me in my house, Ms. Kim."

"I didn't wish to be here in the first place!" I taunted, placing my hands on my waist.

"Yeah as if I wished for you to be here!" He seethed.

I rubbed my temples, "I don't want to argue with you, go do whatever you want."

A low groan was heard. Not from him but him.

"Jimin hyung?"

He rubbed his eyes, yawning. Jimin ripped apart, standing afar from me "Jungkook, finally up?" Jimin smiled.

Is this guy for real?!

I looked at him, dumbfounded; a second before he was standing in front of me, trying to rip my throat apart, and now he's smiling as nothing happened.

"Oh, noona, you're still here?" Jungkook rubbed his eyes as he spoke sluggishly. I nodded putting the slightest smile I could muster on my face.

Jimin glared at me; he laughed humorlessly, "Noona? Jungkook. Who?"

"Her." Jungkook pointed at me. "No, she isn't your noona", Jimin said sitting on his bed. "

Why? She certainly is older than me. Plus, she helped me out when I fainted. Just an hour or a half ago"

"You fainted?!" Jimin's eyes grew wide.

Yeah, drama queen, he did.

"Yeah, but not for long, she came to help immediately," Jungkook smiled shyly. I smiled back, nodding in acknowledgment.

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