7| The seven of them

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Y/n's P.O.V

I felt butterflies in my stomach, not because it's some fascinating high school drama I'm watching, this situation is weird.

They could do anything they want, they work in the biggest company in the country, I shouldn't have agreed to this! What if they are business mafias for real?! I should've broken that window and escaped instead of falling asleep! How can I be so stupid!

"I don't think it's a good idea to have dinner with you all".

"Why?" Jin asks lifting one of his brows.


"Y/n we agreed to this"

"I don't know! I don't know why I agreed! I don't want to be there! I just want my life to go back to normal, is that too much to ask for?!" I argued.

Jin sighed softly.

"Calm down and think about it-"

"I can't! You're freaking asking me to calm down?! I'm in a stranger's house for shouting out loud! You don't know me, I don't know you! How can this even work out?!"

"You'll feel uncomfortable, right?"

"What else then? Of course, I would! How can I even sit in front of seven-"

"Calm down, deep breaths" Jin cut me off.


"Deep breaths, take deep breaths"

I took a moment to calm my shaking self, taking ragged deep breaths, it worked.

"Okay now, think about what I said earlier, the sooner this thing is solved, the sooner we can go our own separate ways," Jin spoke softly, stepping towards me, but maintaining a safe distance.

"I know, but I don't know what I'm doing now, and what I'm about to do."

My voice grew calmer.

"This is confusing, I understand, but we need to find a solution Y/n, we're just doing this to get this over with, remember what I told you? We're just going down there because everyone needs to know about you."


I inhale deeply, "You're right, let's get this over with."

Jin smiles slightly, "Yeah, let's go"

He held the door open for me, shutting it after we both came out of that space into a familiar corridor.

We walked down the stairs with Jin leading the way. Keeping my eyes pinned to the stairs, taking in my every step.

I am more anxious now than when I was for my job interview

Finally, we entered the dining room only to find 6 men sitting at the table talking among themselves.

"Okay, everyone please listen. She is Kim y/n, the girl I earlier told you all about" Jin announced. All the eyes turn towards me.

Great, just great, now I'm even more confident.

Ignoring a particular person, I let my eyes wander the unfamiliar but familiar faces.

The three of them are here too. My three abductors.

Trying to recall their names I let my eyes wander on those three faces for a bit too long.

Fiery red, Hoseok.
Chocolate brown, Namjoon.
Wait! What's his name?

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