6| Dinner And Mutated Deers

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"So Connor, what do you wanna do after school?" Dad asked.

Connor seemed to enjoy this. He grinned and said, "a hero sir."

Dad looked stunned, but he nodded and smiled. "Any particular reason why? "

Connor srunched his face and looked down at his plate of food. "Well, I've never really thought about it. I just liked helping people in need, and I could do it so why not."

"What can you do?" Frost asked, rudely interrupting as always.

"I shape shift into animals, " Connor said.

"Oh that's cool. " My little brother snorted and snickered to himself. "I'm cool too."

There was a collective cringing across the table, save for Connor's amused grin.

"Oh yeah, I bet you are."

Frost grinned and grabbed Connor's glass of water. The little ice devil froze the water until the ice sublimated.

"Frost no freezing stuff at the dinner table, we've gone over this, " Dad scolded. Frost dropped the frozen glass onto Connor's lap and the poor guy yelped.

Zooli hopped up on her chair, her shiny princess dress glittering under the kitchen lights. Let's rewind, after I invited Connor I ran home and forced my siblings into good clothes. But the thing is, we never had good clothes, ever. Most days we wore stained, torn clothes until they fell apart. It was by habit, we always wore our best ratty clothes when we had guests. Anyways Zooli stood on her chair and practically announced, "I can speak animal."

I cleared my throat and cringed.

"Oh like Rayne? " Connor asked.

Zooli pondered on that then shook her head. "Well not really... " She scratched her head and then shook away the confusion. "I can do this." She shook her head and scratched her nose, until whiskers appeared.

"You're a shapeshifter too! "

I was pretty surprised when I realized that, because Zooli's powers were quite the mystery. One minute she'd be screaming like pig and the next she'd have ears like a bunny.

"Only partially though, " Connor said and Zooli pouted. "Which is good, " He added. "You can still be in human form and be a little bit animal, or you can be two animals at once. "

Zooli seemed astonished by the thought. Dad looked over at me and a small smile played at his lips, whose meaning I understood as 'He's nice'.

Blaze and Nile were being awfully quiet. They stared at Connor then back at each other then at me. I narrowed my eyes at them, hoping they'd let me in on their silent conversation but they only rolled their eyes and looked away. What a bunch of girls, they were being.

After dinner Dad, Blaze and Nile took Connor out to the porch to give him a talk. I was nervous for him for some reason. They were only talking I reminded myself. I fixed my dress and just as I was about to stand and leave for the porch, the door opened and my brothers and dad walked in. They acted like I wasn't even standing there, strutting past me like I was a lifeless statue.

"Ooo-kay...? "

I stepped out to the porch to see Connor staring off into space, deep in thought.

"You ok? " I asked. Connor flinched and turned around till we were face to face. "They didn't say anything too... Well, y'know? "

He gulped and broke eye contact. "Nothing much. "

"Oh." I didn't want to intrude but he really looked like he needed someone to talk to. "You good?"

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