15| I Go Crazy

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Ever since I've started dreaming I've never dreamed of, y'know normal things. My mind does what it wants when I'm asleep, it travels to animal bodies. So when I saw a huge golden chandelier, a monkey in a nurse's uniform, fluffy golden pillows and art that looked like it was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, it would be my first normal dream EVER.

The monkey started hopping on my bed and chanted, "Bananas! She's awake! Bananas! She's awake! "

I looked down at the awfully comfortable sheets then to marble floor and the huge-ass wood doors. I had been kidnapped! Was my first thought.

"Hey where the heck am I? " I asked the monkey, standing.

He stopped hopping and arched a brow. "Home."

He suddenly glanced at the floor and then back at me, an evil look on his furry face. "Right, forgive me my lady but my master ordered me to do this. "

"Do what? "


I don't remember how it happened but my chin hit the floor and my hands were restrained to my back.

"What?!" I screeched. "Oh I'm dead aren't I, and this is the after life, where monkeys know karate! "

The huge wooden doors opened and Matt stepped in.

I struggled. "Oh my goodness Matt! You're dead too?! "

He laughed and instructed the monkey to let me go.

I stood, rubbing chin. "What happened, are we actually dead? But what am I wearing—I thought we wore the clothes that we died in. " I had on those hospital gowns patients wore.

Emi then walked through the door too. She had tears in her eyes, but she grinned when she saw me. "Rayne! "

"Okay, okay, monkey, fluffy bed, hospital gown, chandelier... " I couldn't hear myself anymore, I looked at the monkey to Matt to Emi and then to the sky. "I didn't know people could faint in heaven." And then I fell.

I woke up. Finally. The walls were white and my team stood around looking worried. At least my outfit finally fit the environment. When I sat forward they ran for me.

"Are you okay? " Emi asked.

"How's the head? " Matt asked.

"I knew you'd be fine" Flora said, sounding more worried than relieved.

Connor stood off to the side, with a melancholy smile on his face.

I laughed and an instant migraine came over me. My head hit the pillow again and my friends murmured, their faces blurred.

"I had the weirdest dream guys" I mumbled, "there was this ninja monkey nurse—"

The ninja monkey nurse walked through the door with a lady in a lab coat.

My brain pinged. "Oh sweet little fire flies, and carrot cakes, butter cream and the smell of grass."

"Is she alright? " Connor asked, brows furrowed as he listed his head.

"She's fine. Telepaths can have bad migraines when they overuse their abilities, " The doctor lady said, "and sometimes they do that."

"... Cassava pudding, and blue giants, fish bait, and salty sweet potatos... " I went.

"Just talk to her, she'll be back to her normal self in no time. "

The monkey stared at me and I stared back. "I'm real, " He said.

"So, uh, Rayne you passed out at the zoo and then we brought you here to Matt's place, " Emi explained. She held my hand as I spouted nonsense.

"Matt, lives in a hospital? " I muttered.

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