18| We Break And Enter The Zoo

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There are a lot of terrible things in this world and one way or another many of us will encounter these terrible things. My friends and I had the chance of meeting Aldo, the more devastating of terrible things in this world. If I'd met him in another life, maybe I would have found him less disgusting then I did then.

"Shit." Emi grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her truck.

"What? " I asked, following her gaze. Sure enough there was Aldo and his Lamborghini. He stood beside his car with two other guys his age, deep in discussion.

"What's he doing here? " I whispered.

"I don't know—but he knows where I go to school. Damn it. "

"He's not going to hurt anyone, is he? "

She seemed to shiver, despite the place being almost 30 degrees celsius out. "I have no idea. "

"Let me talk to him—"

Emi pulled me back by the bag. "Are you crazy? No! I'm not letting my friend—"

We watched as a girl in a dark hoodie walked right up to Aldo and his boys. She said something to them and they looked like their mama's were about to beat them senseless. Aldo clenched his fist, and jaw. He looked ready to smash everything smashable.

I watched, jaw dropped, as Aldo and his boys left in their Lamborghini as fast as they could. The girl turned around and in all her oracle glory stood our best friend: Flora. She looked around then hurried off into the school building.

"What was that?! " I exclaimed. Emi looked too stunned to answer.

"Okay! Guys, who knows how to hack? " Connor asked as we made our way down the hall to gym class.

"I'm not good with computers," I replied.

"I'm a car person, " Emi admitted.

Flora shrugged.

"I don't even have a phone bro, " Matt said.

Connor deflated, he gave us all the stink eye and tsked. "You're teenagers! You're supposed to have phones—or maybe even know a little about them. "

"Why do you ask? " I asked.

Connor sighed like an old man. "I'm breaking into the zoo. "

Emi, Flora, Matt and I stopped in the middle of the hallway like a bunch of robots gone haywire. Connor kept walking oblivious to our halt. He then realized we weren't beside him and turned, the "wtf" Look on his face.

"You serious? " Matt said.

Connor shifted uncomfortably, when people turned to stare at us. But he was used to it. "Yeah, I mean if you guys don't want to, then that's fine too. "

"Game." I grinned.

"I'm down, " Emi said.

"Cool." Flora shrugged.

"You guys know your places?" Connor checked. We mumbled yes, and mms. "Em, how's our hacker doing?"

"He'll be here soon," Emi said. She kept looking off into the forest, agitatedly.

"Time? " Connor looked at Flora.

"30 minutes, " Flora answered. "5 minutes from now"

Emi parked the truck at the local convenience store. We all wore dark coloured clothes, and Matt got us masks. This was so illegal, this was so wrong and dang it, this was the only way. If there was data anywhere it had to be in the research lab. The dinosaur said so himself, the zoo did this to him. Thankfully the piggybank sort of keeps him in a comatosed state so he isn't quite aware of what's happening around him. Dont even ask me where Mr Pow got that thing.

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