26| I Need Your Help

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It would be such an odd sight to anyone who knew that Aldo was the leader of a gang. But to those who didn't know a thing it would look like we were a bunch of friends having lunch. 'Those' being my dad who was serving us lunch.

"so, you just moved here after your parents separated. And who are you staying with, your mom, dad?" asked my dad, who sat at the head of the table.

"yep my dad, he's a teacher," Aldo answered, then devoured a whole sandwich.

"oh at the high school?"

"no, primary school. Science teacher," Aldo replied oh so nonchalantly. "my brother goes there."

"what grade?" Blaze asked, from the couch, keeping his eyes trained on the TV screen but ears alert, as usual.

"6. Donatello, know that kid?"

He hopped off his seat and turned to us, grinning. "Donny?! so you're Aldo. He's my best friend."

"nice meeting you, kid. He's not too much trouble, is he?" they shook hands.

Blaze shrugged. "we're both trouble." And went back to his movie.

"oh sir." Aldo put his sandwich down and dusted his hands. "I hope you don't mind my shades; I have bad eye sight."

Dad shook his head. "that's alright son. I figured that was the case, you're too polite to have bad manners."

My team and I were just sitting there, watching Aldo act like a normal human being. It wasn't quite settling in yet, that this person was the person whose cronies beat us to a pulp.

When Dad finally left for work we filed out to the porch where the tiger slept in the corner. We sat around the table in silence for the first few minutes until Connor cleared his throat.

"what now?" Connor asked.

Aldo turned his head, rubbed his eyes then turned back. "I told you, I need your help."

"I don't see why you would need our help controlling your men. You didn't have much trouble before," Emi grumbled.

Aldo scowled. "it's not their fault. They're loyal men!"

"some 'loyal' men they are," I mumbled.

Aldo slipped his shades down by a centimeter only for Matt to force it back on with a sharp breeze from his finger. The tiger stirred awake but I told her nothing was wrong and she went back to sleep.

"keep that on man, we don't want trouble," Matt said.

"Look, if you won't help me then I'll just leave." Aldo began to stand but then Flora spoke.

"they're not acting like themselves, bit dazed and insane?"

Aldo sat back down and pursed his lips. For some reason he wouldn't meet Flora's eyes. "yeah, exactly."

"so your guys are high, what are we gonna do about it?" Emi said, rolling her eyes.

"it's not like that. They don't even look like themselves. Almost like animals, I figured you guys would know something about that," Aldo explained.

"didn't you say, you guys were collecting animals for someone?" I asked.

He nodded. "it was a quick job. Got some of the rookies to do it." Then he stiffened up and put a hand to his head. Matt cracked his knuckles. But then Aldo dropped his hand and shook his head. "they were the first to start acting up."

"was it like an infection?" Connor asked.

"yeah kind of like that. One day the rookies were feeling a little under the weather the next a dozen of them are knocked out. Then all of a sudden all my men turn on me. I managed to hold them off until I left but my powers didn't help much," Aldo said. "maybe my eyes are not working, can I try on one of you guys?"

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