chapter 26

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For the past 2 months, all Lucy did was focus on finding clues and monitoring her team, asking for updates about their selective tasks.

LAXUS was tasked to overlook the training of the members that will be joining the grand magic games, and find out if there's anything that will change to team Natsu.

And it didn't take them months to figure out that team Natsu, with the exemption of Wendy and Charles, is under dark magic that holds their minds hostage.

In short for all those years tam Natsu has no idea what is going on in the real world, unaware of all the things that are happening and all the things they did. They were unaware that they were stuck in a make-believe world that only exist in their minds.

MIRA was left in the guild to look after it, and manage the guild. Keep the council at bay and keep an eye on Lissana Mira has a lot of things on her plate just like lucy.

Lucy also asked MIRA to look after lissana to figure out who she is and how she's connected to zeref. And also to find information about Mavis Vermillion the founder and first master of fairy tail.

MIRA only gathered so little information because there are a lot of papers that keep on coming into the office. After all, the remaining members still suck at doing their jobs without destroying shit.

Bixlow was tasked to look for clues as to where Makarov could've been, but apparently, there's none so he would constantly go with freed and evergreen looking for what the black mist is all about.

Evergreen and freed are tasked to sniff around to find the source of the black mist and find out who's the person or wizard behind all the abductions of wizards in Fiore.

So far their investigations always lead to Cardia cathedral and the main guild of fairy tail yet there's nothing even if they look closely.

It makes Lucy even more frustrated than she is because the investigation the most important one always leads to nothing.

On Lucy's side, she has to prepare for her coronation and wedding, she also has to supervise the dragons and give them orders. Meet with the council of elders now and then and deal with the stupid Nobels of the different realms. She also has to prepare for the worst because from all the information she got from her father about zeref, then the dark wizard is plotting something nasty. Aside from that after she learned about the black magic on team Natsu she was quick to act, asking the dragons for ways to nullify the magic even asking her parents for ways to wake up team Natsu.

Because no matter what they did to her they're still her family.

"is her highness the crown princess inside?" erza scarlet asked the guard standing in front of the throne room.

"yes, she is my lady" the knight answered. Erza and the others that came with lucy are treated with the utmost respect by the knights and servants of the palace, only lucy and the dragons address erza and team Natsu with so much hostility and hatred, it was obvious to erza and grey but Natsu being natsu has no idea about it he can't even understand properly what he did and refused to believe that he almost killed lucy with his own hands.

Erza pushed the double doors open, revealing lucy sitting at the stairs just below the throne. Gazing at the kings throne full of exhaustion.

"what are you doing here titania" lucy asked not sparing her even a single glance.

"laxus asked me to call for you and inform you that the vehicle you asked to be crafted is ready for use and is already outside.

"I understand, ill be there in a few seconds" lucy answered. Erza just nodded and didn't ask anymore question as it is not her place to interfere with lucy and her problems, after all she had destroyed the bond they used to have.

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