chapter 4

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chapter 4 

"you! this is unfair mavis!, it was my daughter who suffered! it was my child who died not yours!"

"you are lucky enough to see your child layla! i never held mine! i never saw mine! it was all mothers fault! why do i need to suffer in your stead! i am locked up in a crystal layla !i never get to hold my child! and this! a simple trial to make your daughter fit for your crown is unfair?! after all that suffering i reached my place! have i ever shown my discontent?!"the first master mavis vermillion showed herself to everyone, even makarov is surprised.

"so?! is this what it is sister? revenge for your suffering?! you made my child suffer?! you never stepped out?! you never helped you let her suffer?!" things are hard to process for everyone but mira and the thunder legion can follow through their conversation

"my queen please listen to my words the princess is safe the spirit king made sure of that if you just follow us to the spirit world you will see that Aquarius and .... mavis-san is saying the truth." loke decided to interfere many secrets has been reavealed, and it has to stop and it seems like the king had understand what loke is trying to say.

"layla thats enough, why don't we see it for ourselves if this spirits are lying were free to destroy their realm and this" the king suggested and looked at layla held his queens hand to comfort her.

"fine" the queen seems to have calmed down

"are you going?" the queen asked looking at mira. Surprised by the sudden question. But it didnt take much time for mira and the thunder legion. Because they had alredy decided, they're going to come. for mira she couldn't stand being on the same place as those who hurt lucy and the other members, it doesn't matter if her siblings are involved its disgusting to even think about being in the same room as them. she nodded and walked behind Lucy's mother the thunder legion beside her.

"lets go" the king said and a white light covered them

"mira-nee!!"/ "nee-chan" her siblings called but she ignored it and let the light consume her

lucy pov

where am i? why is it so dark in here?

"hello? loke? virgo?" no answer

"aquarius?taurus? capricorn? minna?" why isn't anyone answering? oh... right am i dead?. is this what the afterlife supposed to look like?, wait what is that? a light? i had this feeling that i should go so.

"lu-chan!" h-huh? levy? "lushhyyyy!" w-wait? h-happy? where are you? happy!! i.. i cant talk...what happened to my voice?

"lucy-san!" wendy! wendy!!

"lucy!!!" minna where are you?! please hear me! minna!!

"ne luce lets go on a mission?"

"lucy are you okay?"

"lucy" minna, help me please.

"it is quite amazing thing to watch, they have done horrible things to you but you're still thingking about them. arent you too kind?"

"you.. who are you?" wait my voice.. my voice is back

"icelus at your service your majesty" icelus? That name sounded so familiar.

"now now tell me despite everything they did why are you still thinking about them"

"what? what did they do?"

"oh you don't remember... watch this then" he showed me something what? no, this is a lie my friends wouldn't do that levy is too kind natsu is an idiot erza she's too prideful to even do something like that.

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