chapter 17 luna heartfillia

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Oh how I love that look come on be angrier and annoyed at me fire breath.

"Hey that's enough don't push more master has enough problems already" laxus kept interfering in my fun

"Its fine we can deal with it, the council is just the council " I said shrugging my shoulders and I chuckled

"Who are you anyway?" The white haired bitch asked. I wanted to laugh so bad as I saw laxus roll his eyes in annoyance as he sat beside me.

"Well.." I looked at all 4 of them no five if we count the stupid bitch.

" let's just say ,.. I'm the elder sister of the person you killed" I said smirking of course that's a big fat lie but no one will know if I don't expose myself and its not the right time yet.

"Huh we didn't kill anyone... did we?" Flame brain said looking so confused that I just want to burn him down. Okay calm down Lucy theres no use being angry at an idiot who couldn't even win a stupid game.

"I don't think so we will never do something like that" its so annoying that they seem to have really forgotten about what they did to me.

"Blond hair, hazel brown eyes, celestial mage still doesn't ring a bell?" Mira suddenly came in holding a bunch of stuff evergreen following behind her.

"I don't remember ordering you to shop?" If they were going to shop they should've told me! Im bored out my mind here

"Well hime-sama we just happen to see this wonderful boutique on our way back. " evergreen teased as she sat in the bar greeting kinana the lady who smelled like a snake for some reason

"Mira-nee" white haired bitch said trembling

"Mira master might need some help, the old man looks like he's tired of living already " I joked mira didn't like what the last part of what I said but still went upstairs to help the master.

"Hey why don't we drop by twilight ogre? You know have some fun?" I asked laxus but he just shook his head .

"You're no fun " I whined im so bored, I thought it would be fun to see this fire brain and his team but its boring.

"You .. you said you know where igneel is where is he tell me! If you won't bring me there then I'll go there myself!" Natsu said making me laugh sure sure, go and a find a portal or gate that will lead you to the dragon realm.

"And I told you didn't I? Igneel doesn't want to see a murderer like you" I answered him with an expression less face.

" hey! Why do you keep on saying that natsu kun is a murderer we told you he isn't " and why do you keep butting in?

" laxus can you hear something? I don't think I can hear anything " I said sarcastically come on fight me stop saying useless words,

"If you know where igneel is then maybe perhaps you known where grandeeney is?" I heard a soft melodic voice from the doors to reveal .. Wendy she looked so mature now she's no longer a child. But aside from that her style seems to have changed, she's wearing a worn out cloak and a skinny jeans and I don't know what her top was.

"Oh ? You must be Wendy of course I know where she is but sadly sweetheart I cannot tell you.. " I said trailing of trying to see what reaction will she have. She looked sad but soon recovered

"Well okay thankyou, I need to see the master. Any way can you tell me your name? " she asked politely

"Luna.. luna heartfillia " she stopped at the mention of the word heartfillia.

"Are.. are you perhaps a family of Lucy-san?" She asked holding back the tears in her eyes making me smile , my sweet adorable Wendy.

" yeah I'm her elder sister but we may not look like each other i took after our dad more than mom " I lied smiling sweetly at her im sorry Wendy but you can't know yet its not the right time.

"Oh .. I'm.. I'm sorry I wasn't here when that happened and .. I should've just gone with her." She said finally bursting to tears.

Guilt of losing a friend, a sister, a family a guilt that has been weighing on her shoulders for a long time. If Wendy is like this then Julia and gajeel must've felt worse seeing as they were the first one to leave the guild.

" hey child calm down okay? It's okay you didn't do anything wrong stop crying, here have this grandeeney handed this to me she said that she misses you " I said and patted her head after giving her the hair ornament that grandeeney made out of her scales.

"Hey! Why are you kind to that brat and mean to natsu-kun?!" Lissana questioned

"Hey you white-haired bitch if you won't shut your trap I'll let you experience what those twilight fools have gone through im starting to get irritated by your voice" i threatened natsu and the others guarded lissana as if that could do anything.

"yo! were here! our jobs done! the guild is destroyed!" freed and bixlow suddenly came in destroying the guild doors making me and laxus facepalm

"yes you basically destroyed the guild" i said sarcastically.

"oh! lu-"

"luna-san about the order you gave us from the council we had handled it in a much easier way with a mention of your fathers name i hope you don't mind?" evergreen cut off bixlows noisy mouth.

"yes! yes! luna,laxus! see who i found in the plaza!" he said pulling a man with long black hair that seems to have been kept clean and tidy

"juvia? gajeel we meet again" laxus said rather than greeting them i remained quiet acting as if i dont know then

"then you, you must've been gajeel the son of metalicanna" i said looking at him plainly the mention of metalicanna's name triggered him same with natsu 'here take this a gift from that metal guy" i said and tossed him the gift ,metalicanna made"also he said that in due time you two shall once again cross paths" i said and looked at juvia she changed so much

"you how did you know that geezer " gajeel asked

" just like i said in due time" he didn't push the topic and just shrugged it off

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