chapter 7

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 w-wait? h-how is that even possible? she died.. right infront of me she died when i was young this is impossible. eris if your playing with your mind games again this is not funny!

eris?..shit where the hell are you eris? speak! bother me you damn spirit!

'lucy! calm dow first ! mira...escort her back to the castle i need to see if eris is still around"

wait? what does she mean buy that? castle?"hey...uhm.. lucy? i mean your majesty pleae follow me, i shall lead you to the main palace"

i looked at her full of disgust and anger for years that I've been unconscious even though it only seems to be only a few months here"what type of bullshit are you playing mira?" i asked her she looked at me like shes about to tear up.

"oi!blondy watch your mouth you have no idea what mira felt for the past 3 months" i looked at my back to see laxus and his 'friends " standing there he has this unpleasnt look on his face i wanna wipe that look its iritatting

"i beleive i am not talking to you ......spark plug" "pft" i galred at the white-haired mage beside me she tried to compress that smile "oi look cheerleader got quite the guts now 'spark plug" it was the perverted-looking guy the one that wears the mask violet hair and green eyes.

"ehem refrain the rude behaviour right now. laxus you have training with bolt right and then thunder too, bixlow your going to the dimension of demons with freed right and evergreen your scedule is with the fairies right? go go those people.. no creature has no long patience" a smile formed on freeds fae moss haired bitch.

" anyway your majesty please follow me, and i am refrained from answering your questions right now, her royal highness would be the one to explain everything." i thought she was done muttering nonesense but i was wrong she then held my hand which i flicked within just a second

"lucy i am not talking as an apprentice of lady karion but as your former guild mate and friend pleae dont hold too much grudge againt her royal highness the queen and his highness the king "

she led me inside the floating palace i just noticed that another form was added on her satan soul later on a huge door was right infront of us i dont see any one walking around most people i see is either floating or whatever.

what isaw behind the huge door was a throne 3 no its five,five thrones two of them were occupied a guy and a little girl looks like brats if you ask me

"i greet his higness the cronos and her royal highness princess amanda " mira said and bowed down for respet i guess

" whos she? why does she look like mother?" the small child asked see i told you shes a brat.

" are you an idiot?! ofcourse she looks like mother she te one in the portrait the one mother usually tells us about" this time it was the blue haired mad no boy

" hey you're being mean! im not an iiot,im actually a genius didnt father say that " i rolled my eyes at how annoying they sound, it only took a few minuets to "our parents" to appear the moment the light subsidded she run into me and hugged me tightly

"my child i miss you very much it has been such a long time ."

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