chapter 8

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6 months, I have been staying here for six damn months against my free will!!! Well only because that damn old dude is super scary to the bones and I just can't defy him.

"Your highness, it is time for lunch the 2nd princess and 1st prince is already in the dining room, the Queen and King will join you shortly " grandeeney informed me I nodded at her and stood up from under the tree.

" I will go there shortly, do inform the Queen that I will be needing to go to earth land I had forgot about master makarov he must've been really worried... and I have to settle things "

"Understood your majesty " after staying here for a week j kinda worked up to grandee grandeeney, she is wendys mother .. well not birth mother but rather it was like with the other dragon slayers.

"Lucy! There you are I got the message and prepared what you asked " mira said between her breaths.

" good is laxus around? " I asked she gave me a meaningful smile but just brushed it off ."Well if your majesty the crown princess is asking for him you can just pull him out of bolts merciless training " I rolled my eyes on her humor. for a while now these people have been "shipping" me with laxus for whatever reason they have. I mean me and that spark plug doesn't even get along.

"Tell freed to get laxus, no maybe bixlow will do. Yeah inform him that I will meet him after I talk with the Queen and get their permission " I said and entered the dining hall, everyone seems to be here already and waiting

"Finally! The 'crown princess ' is here " so just you know I don't have that good of a relationship with these 'siblings' of mine.

"Karion watch your mouth, refrain the disrespect " again his voice is really powerful and hurtful to defy,

"Now Lucy I heard from grandeeney that you are requesting to back to earth land " I glared at him which he gladly returned, sometimes im thinking that I'm his favourite child for letting me slip my tongue here and there without punishing me.

"Well I clearly told grandeeney to tell the "queen" not the king, should I assume that you eavesdrop on their conversation 'father's? " I made sure to emphasise the word father he seems to be so angry about that.

" well little miss, you are aware that your 'mother' is always together " he answered sarcastically making me roll my eyes

" why does she get out of trouble and we can't?"  IM SURE IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO HEARD THAT unfortunately for little miss brat she got another warning from the 'king'. king of bullshits if you asked me.

"so lucy, do tell how much have you progressed?" the queen  AKA  my mother asked 

"well i was able to make a bond with eris and utilize her magic, my hearing and smell got better even my eye sight" i answered while eating un lady like yeah but whatever though to be honest it was quite a shocker after making a bond with eris i was able to get her magic and use it nad girl im telling you that annoying spirit is so strong . 

"i was thinking of making a bond with janus or maybe one of the spirits who were once a human" i said and shrugged eris was the one who suggested to make a bond with janus and the stronger our bond is the stronger they can be. but for them to be bound also ment that if i die they follow me to my grave.

"thats good i guess, anyway since your going back to earthland why dont you take laxus with you?" she asked or more like suggested though what does her 'i guess' meant?   

"im taking bixlow with me " " well thats unfortunate "princess" because currently bixlow is not free and your only option is me" oh how i hate that arrogant tone i soo want to punch him right in the face 

'well i guess that's set lucy you'll go together back to earthland" and why does she look so happy about it? 

"whatever it doesn't matter who i go with as long as i get to see master makarov and settle things " 

since im done with the food i pushed my plate and stood up "ill take my leave then" i looked at laxus and told him to follow me along the way i saw a teasing smirk on miras face. now you might be wondering about where and how all this shipping thing started.

the gossip started with mira and the reason was according to her she saw me and sparky 'kissing' which i have no memory of, why and how? to cut things short the thunder legion asked me to join them for a drink, i got pretty much frunk and i dont know what happened next, but sadly laxus do remember some parts of it and agreed on the fact that we were really kissing that time.

"stop staring at my ass you damn perv " i spat out glaring at him which he just gave me a annoying smirk.

"cant help it blondie your ass is just eye cathching" i really hate this guy 

"for starters your blond too! and sparky i dont care if my ass is eye-catching stop staring dammit " his smirk didnt even disappear rather it became bigger 

"well if thats what you say... but would you stop being grumpy if i look into your eyes instead?" i grimaced at how cliche his line sounded.

"stop being disgustingly flirty thunder ass " i rolled my eyes and opened the door to my room there on the bed were two change of clothing and a cloak that would be able to hide our identities. i took one and threw it to laxus .

"wear that and then wait for me ..outside" i pushed him out of the door and closed it, after changing i too the key of the gate to the earthland from my top drawer.

well here goes nothing i guess, i let laxus enter my room again and then "open gates of the dimension i order you to bring me to earthland the realm of humans"  i chanted and the portal opened for almost one year I've been so quiet, now fairytail let's see how rotten you've gotten.

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