chapter 18

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was it that much of a surprise to see master out of his office?

"i want to introduce to you a new comer of the guild and the person who might be able to help us, and the members which are now coming back , also were joining the grand magic games this year" it seems like the remaining members were not okay with the idea of joining the grand magic game this year.

"but master haven't we had enough embarrassment for the past years in the GMG?" erza asked

"it was only because you are to incompetent" i mocked which seems to have pissed her off

" you luna was it you've been throwing dirty remarks at us since the moment you arrive, what is your problem?" she asked clearly annoyed by my attitude

"didn't I tell you already? you killed my little sister" i said almost punching her in the face

"lu..luna why dont you settle this with a mock battle? their team against you, so you could release your boredom?" i think he meant that should beat them up one after the other to make them shut up

"before that, id like to introduce you to luna, luna heartfillia shes lucy's eldest sister the princess of the dragons, daughter of acnologia" master introduced and it seems like wendy and gajeel now understands why i know where their dragons were.

"lets do this then you salmon breath and your team if you beat me i might tell you where igneel is" i told him standing up from my seat but of course he has no chance of winning against me

"do it outside and dont destroy the guild" he said

"oh yeah about that i forgot to tell you master we can use the old guild " evergreen said as she stood up and started walking outside

"oi ill set up a barrier with freed and bixlow better not destroy it like last time luna" evergreen said with a teasing tone making me chuckle

"ill try "i told her and laughed

"nope you wont better be careful about it luna or else well tell laxus to handle you his way" i felt shiver run down my spine as mira walked down on the stairs from masters office

"well, what do you say lu-na?" i gulped and gave her a salute and smile

"the barriers ready luna, and..natsu and your team go in.. including the white haired mage" evergreen said winking at me, this guys they totally have something planned.and i like it.

"arent we supposed to have a 1 vs 1 battle?" gray asked i raised my brow at how stupid his question is

"are you deaf? didnt laxus say its me againts your team?" i said sarcastically making erza and the rest annoyed

"you're too full of yourself lets see where that will get you" lissana said boasting as if her animal take over can do anything

"well then start" master said of course he knew the results already.

"ᛗᚨᚷᚾᛟ ᚡᛖᚾᛏᛟ ᛖᛏ ᚡᛁᛚᛚᚨ ᛗᛖᚨ ᚷᚱᚨᛏᛁᚨ ᚲᚨᛈᛁᛏᛁᛋ ᚠᛟᚱᛗᚨᛗ ᚲᚨᛖᛚᛖᛋᛏᛖᛗ ᚲᚢᛗ ᛁᚨᚾᛟ" i chanted before they could even do anything

"open gate of the water bearer aquarius" you might be thinking before there's absolutely no way to summon aquarius with water, but isint the human body 70%water?

"y-you! hpow did you get lucy-nee's! spirits!" wendy suddenly shouted from outside mira stopped her from coming forward and interfering

"we gave it to her" laxus said to make matters simple

"requip heavens wheel armor"

"ᛋᚺᚨᚱᛞᛋ ᚷᛚᚨᚲᛁᛖᛋ""ᚨᛩᚢᚨ ᛋᚺᚨᚱᛞᛋ"""ᚡᛖᚾᛖᚾᚢᛗ ᚲᛟᚱᚱᚢᛗᛈᚨᛗ ᚡᛁᚾᛖᚨᛗ ᛖᛁᚢᛋ" i chanted continusly

"aquarius target that nosy bitch, janus you handle the ice prick ill handle the remaining 2 " i ordered and run towards erza ice from my left and air from my right i remove all restaints i have realeasing my dragon form

"abbadon ' i chanted as light engulfed me and the scales started showing itself.. abbadon is my dragon force form no2. a replica of my fathers.

the first one was a mix of dragon and spirit yuriel. if my abbadon is a destroyer, yuriel is a creator, a healer. its kinda useless against offensive battle.

"woah that's amazing" i heard one say

"vines!" i chanted as i pointed towards natsu the poison vines were immideately tangled up on his body

"glaciers " i chanted once again pointing at erza "sharpen" i enchanced the spell before it could reach erza "dragon scales' i chanted once more and the scales were allover the place or more like my body it acts as an armor

""andamatine armor!" erza chanted and lauched an attack

"fire dragons wing attack!" natsu chanted after erzas attack

"blades shatter, reform, order attack" i chanted and the blades or more like glaciers that were just following and attacking erza and natsu shaterd and formed into a long sword and attacked natsu and erza

"well too bad i won i guess you wont see igneel" i said and transformed back to my real form or more like human form?

"hey that was unfair we want-" the nosy woman was cut off by erza

"we accept our lost " erza said and looked at master and me

"master please continue with your announcement about the grand magic games" she said sitting down

"in this year due to the new comers request we will enter two teams, the thunder legion and team natsu that is the only teams available, gajeel and wendy are on natsu team wendy as a sub. while the other team consist of luna,laxus,mira,and as a sub they will have juvia " master explained

"wait master why are there only three people on the other team?" lissana questioned

"having 3 people is altready an overkill itll be like cheating if their whole team participate" master explained and the other team seems to be agaisnt it but still refrained from complaining.

"well then thats it"

"master why dont you go home and rest you looked ;like you really need it , me and luna will handle everything so please rest" mira said looking at the master worriedly

"mira's right old man you need rest" laxus joined in the conversation

"yeah and tommorow well be back to your beloved guild hall" evergreen said smiling widely

"then i will leave it all to you" master said, i looked at bixlow asking him to send master back to his house

"just stay with master for today bix sorry" i said patting his back but he game me a goofy smile and looked at laxus seems like this two has plans.

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