chapter 5

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lucy's pov

as to what everyone had said it's been 3 years here in the celestial spirit world I'm very thankful to the king if he hadn't saved me on time I would've been dead by now.  

"lucy~!" I looked out of the window to see loke waving and jumping up and down I guess he'll be the first one to teach me things, maybe after learning from them I could ask the king to teach me how to reign on the unbound spirits. the spirits residing on Reika.

"Lucy! come on stop being a lazy bum! let's go and play! wait no I mean train" I smiled at how silly he sounds, I know for a fact that he's trying to lighten up my mood every day.


"IM COMING!, IM COMING!" to be honest I am very relieved that I am here with the people I can call friends, people no.. spirits that wouldn't betray me.

'yes hime the spirits will not betray you, and even if one tried to the spirits in Reika will be at your disposal ' 

also for the past few days, I've been here i am not sure who this voice belongs to but what I am sure of is that this voice belongs to someone that belongs in Reika. I got used to it and just started brushing it off.

"so now loke what kind of game are we going to play?" I asked him teasingly. he grunted and frowned at me especially the moment Capricorn arrived.

"hime, can you train with me? I have a thing to teach you loke might've been so immersed in games and forgot to train you" wow what he just said was a little too harsh 

"hey, Capricorn isn't that a little too mean?" he glanced at me and bowed 

"I am sorry, I am just in a hurry, we're running out of time hime" he said, why?. what does he mean by running out of time? I do not quite understand what he meant by it.

'hime have you ever thought that they might be lying to you?~ why don't you start your purge to them?'

lie? no! they wouldn't do such thing my spirits are loyal to me stop poisoning my mind!

'me? i am not doing anything hime, what i say are all from you'

lies! i will never think of such hideos things about my spirits!

'stop lying to yourself lucy! stop acting like a kind child! you know it you've had enough your not kind! '

no! stop talking! stop spouting nonsense! 

' a child of a dragon is never kind! you came from both chaos and stars you are an abomination, a child born from a spirit and a dragon!'

I said stop! I am no dragon my parents are both human "stop!stop!"

"lucy! snap out of it!" water splashed all over me, I said I got used to it but times like this still happen. this is the reason why I need to learn how to handle the spirits in Reika because if I can't do it, one of these days I will be taken over by one of the spirits due to my unbalanced emotions. 

"you brat I've told you many times ignore her words she's luring you!" Aquarius sighed she look stressed.

"Capricorn postpone the lessons, lucy go to the king you need to learn how to control the unbound spirits, especially eris the spirit of spite "

"eris? i didn't meet her at Reika" 

"of course you wouldn't know everyone is residing in Reika most of them are outside luring others with their deepest darkest desire, and eris is one of the most dangerous ones ."

eris so that was her name, an unbound spirit i should guard myself, my emotions 

"lucy! are you even listening?.... forget it go, the king has been informed about this beforehand he's waiting now go." I gave her a nod and walked towards where the king should be, it was uhm how can I say this? on the other side of this planet like orb.

"spirit king im here! where are you?! " I screamed and the king appeared right in front of me.

"oldfriend, i heard from aquarius that eris has been bothering you" he stated brushing his mustache.

"yes since  the moment i woke up" he just nodded and then he suddenly shrunk just my size.

"the first thing you need to do is know the difference between us, celestial spirits and them the unbounds " i nodded 

"pay attention to me and not eris if she ever speak never let your emotions out" again i nodded

'what a petty old man, dont listen to him i know more than him'

" eris,icelus,janus and the other spirits they are different to us, yes we live side by side but were total opposites, us the celestial spirits are called bound spirits, were bound to humans by contract we cannot disobey orders from the humans who holds our key" our?

"do you have a key too?"| i asked because as far as i know the king has no key.

"in the old times i do, but it s far too dangerous for a human to posses the key of the spirit king and so i destroyed my key. the only way to summon me the celestial spirit king you need to sacrifice a key " i nodded it is true, it would be bad if anyone like angel the previous owner of scorpio, aries and gemini get a hold of the spirit king it will be dangerous for a lot of people.

'pathetic still acting like that? stop caring about people! theyre irrelevant focus on your self' shut up

"listen oldfriend the unbounds are spirits without masters, for the past centuries only a few people bore the mark of the spirits and youre one of them. the only way to control an unbound  spirit is to to put a reign on yourself, control every emotion especially when youre using the mark of the unbounds, having an unbound spiritcontrol you is dangerous especially in your case a child born from a spirit deity and a dragon your power has no limits ."

i didnt hear what he last said 

"why? whats my case? "

"lets just say the power you hold is unimaginable, please do understand i am not in the place to tell you more than i could say."

'i told you they're lying to you lucy ' shut up eris you're being annoying 

'that it lucy, let it out. let that anger out think! the way yhose poepl treated you! the way they acted! when that red head stabbed leo in front of you they deserve it lucy!, '

'think about it remember it! the feeling of being beaten up every day! the feeling of almost losing your life! the fear of what they could do! remeber that pain well and let your anger out! '

yes shes right i suffered so much in the hands of those bastards ! i should just let them feel what i felt! . ill teach them what pain feels like.

The Dragon Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें