After a while of hanging around and eating some food I felt Ariel fall asleep in my arms and honestly she wasn't the only one that was tired. I was exhausted and I could tell if Jordan blinked one more time his eyes would close shut. As he went to stand up I grabbed his arm and whispered, "Hey, stay,"


"Stay, if you want of course," I smiled, "It's really late I don't know how I'd feel about you leaving"

"Are you sure?"


"Do you want me to take her upstairs?"

"It's alright I think I'll just stay here," Perks of keeping a sofa bed downstairs. "You can go to the guest bedroom if you'd like though,"

"I could stay here too in case she wakes up,"

"You don't have to—"

"It's all good, I want too," Jordan took his jacket off and cuddled up to Ariel and I.

As I watched him fall asleep I look up, was this what it felt like to have a proper family? I sighed, at the thought of possibly never finding out...

Eventually I dosed off, and before I knew it it was morning. I woke up to the sound of Mia crying upstairs. Quietly I woke up, fed her and put her in her crib. Softly I walked downstairs and walked up to the sofa. Ariel had managed to rest her little head on Jordans arm. As I sat down I leaned in to check on her when suddenly he looked up.

"Hey," he said in bus groggy morning voice.

"Oh hi, sorry! Did I wake you?"

"Nah that's alright, what time is it?"

"About 8:30, why?"

"I could buy breakfast if you want,"

"No that's alright just... sleep," I smiled at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like that," he chuckled.

"I'm not I just want you well rested thats all,"

"Whatever you say," he smiled back. "This girly slept through the night though,"

Out of the blue we both went into look at her and Jordan and I bumped heads. "Ow," I laughed, "Sorry,"

Jordan laughed a bit and looked up, "It's all good,"

For a moment we felt lost in each others eyes, and as we slowly leaned in, my attention was caught by a gazing figure in the distance, "Good morning," Tiffany came in causing us both to jump. "Woah, sorry, I'll be upstairs."

"No that's fine," I scratched my head, "I'll go make breakfast, how about pancakes Jord?"

"Always up for pancakes," he said awkwardly.

"Perfect, Tiff, do you want some pancakes?" I made eyes at her and walked into the kitchen.

"Sure, I'll help you out, with the pancakes!" She responded. As we both walked into the kitchen I felt her pull me into the pantry, "What is he doing here?"

"Look I don't know last night we just had a few laughs but it was late and I didn't want him to just go like that so I kind of asked him to stay,"

"Oh you asked him to stay and cuddle up to you and your baby?"

"I told him to go into the guest bedroom but he just stayed there with us," I bit my lip. "How bad is it in a scale of 1 to 10?" I shut my eyes and asked.

Suddenly In LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora