'Ah,' Jimin sighed and laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, 'he's happy.'


- kook -

aria - hey kook?

kook - yes ari?

aria - i'm going to wear leggings to school today

aria - and i haven't worn leggings or jeans since that day...

kook - that day when that pig,,, i remember

aria - i think i'll be okay

aria - you taught me how to punch

kook - and you know how to punch now

kook - so you can swing if a guy even looks at you the wrong way

kook - and you have the right defense and reason

kook - god it pisses me off how girls like you have to go through shit stupid teenage boys throw at you girls

kook - i wish i could be there so they would back off

aria - i wish you were here too...

aria - but you helped me! you help me a lot

aria - i can defend myself correctly now because of you

kook - it's the least i can do

kook - today will go well, i just know it

kook - you can bring a change of clothes too if you want

kook - just in case you get uncomfortable of something else happens god forbid

aria - i've already left, but that's a wonderful suggestion, thank you kook

kook - of course aria

kook - if you need anything, anything at all, text me, okay?

aria - i will!

aria - i hope you sleep well tonight!

aria - sweetest dreams to you, jungkook

kook - and the brightest of smiles to you, aria

aria - sleep well <3

kook - will do <<3


- tae -

aria - i haven't had a hug in years

aria - i just realized

aria - i literally wish that my history teacher would give me a hug. he's a father figure, kinda

aria - he's so nice and funny

aria - but it's okay!

aria - one day i'll get a hug from someone i look up to i just know it

tae - you sound like you're in a wonderful mood today

tae - and i love it!!

tae - today was a good day?

aria - today was a really good day

aria - there's just one downside of today

tae - and that is?

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