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- hobi -

hobi - psst

aria - psst what

hobi - where are you now?

aria - checking out at this dessert shop? i don't know what it's called

hobi - oh perfect

aria - do i get to meet you next?

hobi - sadly no

hobi - you're stuck with jin hyung next

aria - oh really?

hobi - mhm

hobi - enough about him

hobi - what's your favorite type of cookie


"Jimin what the fuck is a Snickerdoodle cookie?" Hoseok asked as he walked out to the living room, Jimin laying on his back, his cat curled up on his stomach as he petted her.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's a type of cookie." Jimin smiled and looked back at Hoseok, Hoseok tapping his phone aggressively.

"It's Aria's favorite apparently and I have no idea how to make it." Hoseok ran his hand through his hair as he sat on the couch, Jimin on the floor. "I should've asked her earlier."

"Do you want some help?" Jimin turned his head, Jillian, his cat, meowing at the movement and lack of pets.

"No thank you Jiminie." Hoseok stood up, scanning through the ingredients. "I think I got it."

"Good luck Hyung!" Jimin called out as he picked up Jillian. "Should we do something for Aria?"


"I'm meeting Jin next?" Aria directed this to Taehyung, Taehyung just pulling out of the parking lot. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook were in the back. Namjoon was dropped off by an Uber because,, mans can't drive.

"Yes you are." Taehyung nodded. "Who told you?"

"Hobi did." Aria looked down at her phone, watching Hoseok's spam of emojis go up her screen with a smile. "He asked me what my favorite type of cookie was."

"Oh what is it?" Jungkook leaned forward, trying to get a glimpse of her face, but he sat behind her.

"Snickerdoodle." Aria smiled, Hoseok's emoji spam coming to an end.

"What is a snickerdoodle?"


"She's a writer she'll like it." Jin mumbled to himself, holding the bag in his hand, pacing back and forth in the park while he waited. "She's got to. I got the best kind and the pens and markers and pens and markers and more and..." Jin stopped pacing, taking a deep breath. "She'll like it."

Jin looked around at the scene he and Jimin put together. He was at the park, a bunch of string lights hung in the tree, illuminating the area around him. And then the blanket was laid out so they could all share the food they bought for a little while before meeting Hoseok in the parking lot of their dorm.

He sighed, continuing his pacing as he pulled out his phone.

- hoseok is with me, dumbass -

jimin - i think hoseok might set the dorm on fire

joon - how about no

jimin - but he's like screaming and there's a lot of noise

hobi - i'm cOoKiNg

jimin - hes lying

joon - hoseok if you burn down the dorm you don't get to meet aria


kook - but arson sounds fun

yoon - when we retire you can set as many things on fire because i refuse to be in a band with an arsenic and i am no longer in charge of your safety or decisions after that

kook - but we could call ourselves Burning Boyz

joon - with a z?

kook - with a z!!!

yoon - why am i even here in the first place

"You guys go ahead and get out." Taehyung put the car in park, keeping the car on. "I gotta say something to Aria."

Aria looked up, slowly unbuckling herself, extremely confused.

"Alright." Jungkook got out, dragging Yoongi with him. "We'll meet you with Jin."

"See you in a bit Ari." Namjoon smiled, shutting the door afterwards.

"D-did I do something?" Aria looked at Taehyung, Taehyung turning the radio down.

"Oh no no." Taehyung reassured her, unbuckling as well. "I just wanted to see how you're doing. And if we're doing good as well. And an apology."

"I'm okay." Aria nodded, not stuttering at all. "I'm really, really good. I feel..."

Taehyung waited for her to continue her sentence. He didn't want to say anything because he knew it took time for her to find the right word. And he knew how long it might take.

"I feel good. Thank you." Aria didn't find the word she wanted, but, she knew 'good' was a positive adjective, so she settled with that. "You said, uhm, something about you guys doing well?"

"Yes." Taehyung turned in his seat so he faced Aria, giving her his full attention. "I know we're really scary and intimidating and stuff like that. And our words could hurt you in a way, us saying them on accident of course. And I just wanted to see if we're doing okay... If you feel comfortable with us."

"Y-yes, yes of course I do." Aria nodded quickly, emotions swirling inside of her. Confusion leaving, admiration exploding, safety starting to blossom, and... shock. "You guys are amazing. I've never had so many hugs and so many nice words either and I feel, feel like me when I'm with you guys."

"Oh that's wonderful." Taehyung sat back with a proud smile. "I'm so glad you're comfortable. I'm so, so glad."

"You, you said something about an apology?" Aria asked softly, looking down at her hands. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes I did." Taehyung's smile fell, sitting up straighter. "When I scared Namjoon, I unintentionally scared you as well. Jungkook told me."

"No, no it's okay." Aria reached forward and held onto Taehyung's hand, Taehyung looking up. "I'm okay."

"It won't happen again Aria." Taehyung put his other hand on top of her's. "I promise."

She smiled, slowly sitting back in her seat. "Thank you."

Taehyung nodded and pulled out his phone, the notifications going crazy. "Ah, well it looks like Jin really wants to see you." He showed Aria his phone as notification after notification flew up the screen, all from Jin, all very angry messages about how he was stealing Aria time with him.

"Well I guess we should go meet him."

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