thirty five

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Aria shoved the scrunchies in her pocket, giggling to herself as she left her room again, hurrying to Jungkook.

"Jungkook?" She called out, hurrying down the stairs.

"Yes Aria?" He peeked his head out from a room down the hall.

"I have things for you!" Aria gestured for him to come to her, Jungkook walking over with a smile.

"You got me a snake." Jungkook grinned, crossing his arms as Aria had the widest smile on her face. "No? Then it's got to be a hedgehog."

"Close your eyes and hold out your arm." Aria smiled, bouncing on her toes slightly.

"Now I'm scared." Jungkook smiled nervously, but did as told, knowing Aria wouldn't hurt him. She dug through her pocket and pulled out the blue scrunchie, slipping it onto Jungkook's wrist. Yes, he shrieked once it touched him, still not knowing what it was, but he soon calmed.

But went crazy once he saw what it was.

"A scrunchie!" He exclaimed, holding Aria's hands.

"Yes!" She laughed, Jungkook jumping up and down, Aria joining him in.

"Woohoo!" He laughed, throwing his head back as they jumped around in circles, holding each other's hands tightly, flying in their own way.

"My heart." Taehyung held his heart as he watched from the top of the stairs, watching with a smile.

"I'm glad she's loosening up a little." Yoongi put his arm around Taehyung's shoulders. "Hopefully Jungkook can continue to bring out the child in her."

Taehyung's heart saddened, his smile drifting into a sad one. "If only it wasn't hidden in the first place."

"You guys!" Aria waved at the two at the top of the stairs. "I have scrunchies for you guys!"

"Oh I'm so putting that on Twyla." Yoongi mumbled as he walked down to Aria, smiling once she gave him the pink one.

"Yeontan, you're getting a makeover."


Jin stood behind Aria, Hoseok in the kitchen filling her a glass of water, everyone slowly eating and glancing at Aria.

They quickly found out Aria did not know how to use chopsticks.

She poked the egg, trying to decide if she needed to stir it, and decided yes, trying to look dignified while stirring with her chopsticks.

"Aria sweetie," Jin crouched beside her, holding a spoon. "You can use a spoon as well."

"O-oh." Her face turned red, taking the spoon, Jin smiling. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize Aria." Namjoon spoke up, hand in front of his mouth while he talked because he was in the middle of chewing. "We should've shown you how to eat it beforehand." Namjoon looked over at Jimin who sat beside her.

"I'll show you Ari." He pipped up, stirring it for her, very fast. Jimin proceeded to demonstrate that you should scoop up the rice first, and then use the chopsticks to pick up some of the vegetables and put them on top of it.

"Look here Aria." Taehyung put his elbows on the table, holding his chopsticks. Aria sat across from him, holding her chopsticks in two hands "Put this one here, and let it rest against your hand."

He nodded with a smile once she did so.

"And then this one is going to rest on your ring finger, and be held by your thumb, index, and middle finger." Taehyung demonstrated, Aria understanding more by watching. She positioned the chopstick like how Taehyung held it, moving it up and down. "Look at you!" He exclaimed. "You're a master already!"

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