twenty eight

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"Look at you." Yoongi smiled, his hands on Aria's shoulder, his tissue in his pocket. "You look so mature."

"More like tired." Aria joked, the two chuckling. "I promise I don't usually smell this bad. I showered before the flight I promise, but airports have weird smells."

"Oh no worries." Taehyung reassured, wanting to pat her back, but holding himself back. "We didn't even notice." And it was true. She really didn't smell bad at all.

"We planned on meeting Jungkook at a restaurant, is that alright with you? Feeling hungry for your first Korean meal?" Yoongi opened the door to the front seat for Aria, Taehyung putting her stuff in the trunk.

"Oh that sounds really fun." Aria nodded, Yoongi smiling and shutting the door. "Oh Yoongi, you can sit in the front if you want." Aria went to unbuckle her seatbelt as Yoongi sat in the back.

"No no. You get the best seat to see the best lights." Yoongi leaned forward and gestured out in front of them to the road. "It's not a long journey, and definitely not a tour. But that's for another day. Our main focus today is,, food!"

"Here Ari." Taehyung sat in the driver's seat, uncapping the bottled water. "I would've gotten you coffee but you need to sleep tonight."

"Thank you Tae." Aria took the bottle with both of her hands and took a little sip. Yoongi watched with a sad smile, wishing she'd drink more, but didn't want to push.

"So tell us about your flight."


- superman is hotter than jin -

jk - i look like a dumbass

jin - well where's the lie in that

jk - shut up

jk - im sitting at a table for four

jk - by myself

jin - oh i wish i was there to take a photo of you looking like a lonely asshole

jk - i'm going to deck you hyung

jk - hang you over the balcony by your foot

jk - then drop you

jin - bungee jumping but no rope

jin - i like it

jk - no it's murder

jk - if you're dying i want credit


Aria took a deep breath as she looked at the restaurant that held Jeon Jungkook inside. The man that spent countless hours singing just for, cheering her up, FaceTiming her during a run, making funny faces while Aria ranked them, sharing jokes and deciding which he should say during a video. All of those hours of laughing, and those sentences of comfort, all of them sat right in front of her. All she had to do was walk through the doors.

She was scared.

What does she say? 'Hi'? No no, that's, after everything they've gone through?

'Thank you?' That didn't feel right. That's what she said to Yoongi.

'Well look who it is. Didn't we say we were going to tackle each other?' No, Aria doesn't have the confidence for that.

'I thought you said you were going to tackle me the instant you saw me?'

God this was nerve wracking.

Some pressure squeezed her hand, Aria snapping back to reality. She looked at her hand, Yoongi's around it. They held hands the whole drive here, Aria needing it, maybe even more than Yoongi needed.

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