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Days go slow, nights go fast.

And today was an extremely slow day for Taehyung. So what else would he do in his free time than log into his fake fan account and hop on Wattpad for a while.

His favorite fanfiction has been updated a lot, even though it's only been a week or so. His favorite fanfiction updated by his favorite author.

Before he had the chance to read the updates, he saw her announcements first.

'Today was a hard day. I barely did anything, but it was a struggle. I wish I could just go one day without feelings like this.'

Taehyung was about to respond with something cheerful and encouraging, but the next one caught his eye as well.

'I write down all the things I hate about my body and then look at them when I'm hungry. I plan on not eating tomorrow.'

"Baby no." Taehyung mumbled to himself, scrolling up so he could click on the message icon at the top of the profile. He didn't waste a second typing. It was something small, something simple, but it could explode into something huge.

'I'm not supposed to talk to ARMY.' Taehyung nibbled on his bottom lip, his thumb wavering above the send button. 'But, I really care for her, I know she's been going through a hard time.'

And then his mind snapped to the image of a grave, his author's name on it, the dates too close together.

And he pressed send.


Aria glanced down at her phone, seeing the new Wattpad notification to pop. It wasn't anything new, she'd get around 400 a day. Notifications of people voting, commenting, following, and of course the announcements.

But this time, it was a message from a username she didn't recognize.

mybiasistae : hey, are you alright?

Aria smiled to herself, focussing on the username only. "How original." Her smile dropped with a sigh, opening the chat and replying quickly.

btsberry : nope :)

Aria sighed and laid her phone down again, going back to looking out the window. She used to say 'yes of course I'm fine! How are you?'

But she's just so done. There's no point in trying to hide it. Wattpad is the only place she can truly and honestly get her feelings out. The other person would easily know she was lying, so why hide it?

mybiasistae : how about we talk about it?

mybiasistae : would that help?

Aria grimaced. This person was actually here to help, and it even sounded like they kinda cared.

btsberry : i like to ignore all of my emotions and problems and wait for them to explode

btsberry : so who's your bias in bangtan?

btsberry : oh i guess that's a dumb question, taehyung, right?

mybiasistae : what gave it away lol

mybiasistae : bro he's so hot

mybiasistae : who's your bias?

btsberry : honestly, i don't have one. it changes so quickly cause they bias wreck me daily so i settle on ot7 :)

mybiasistae : awh that's so cute

mybiasistae : i know they appreciate you so much for it

btsberry : i like to pretend they know me, you know?

btsberry : pretend they're my friends, pretend they look out for me and text me and stuff. but then i realize i'm just an army in america wishing i could go to seoul and see them in concert before they disband

mybiasistae : o-oh

btsberry : sorry i guess that was a bit depressing whoops

mybiasistae : no no, don't apologize i understand

mybiasistae : but hey, let's be positive! i know you'll see them in concert, one day, one day very soon

btsberry : ah yes like i'm positive i won't reach 18

Aria slapped her hand over her mouth. "Whoops that was really depressing."

btsberry : i mean....

btsberry : sorry


Taehyung didn't know what to say. No words of reassurance crossed his mind. No words at all, honestly.

But a song did.

mybiasistae : have you listened to Butterfly by BTS?

btsberry : yes i have, i've been an army for almost five years now it's one of my favorite songs.

mybiasistae : so you know the meaning behind it?

btsberry : ah i see what you're getting at

mybiasistae : how about we make this our song, yes?

mybiasistae : i'll show you the love you deserve and hope you'll stay with me, alright?

Taehyung cringed away, holding his phone away from him. She isn't even an adult yet and he was saying weird stuff about love.

btsberry : you'll be my friend?

A sigh left Taehyung's lips, pulling his phone back to him.

mybiasistae : till the end of the world.

Andddd he messed it up again.

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