thirty four

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Aria opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling.

'That's not my ceiling.' She sat up quickly, groaning in pain as she looked around, eyes wide. 'A TV? Basket, flowers, perfume, basket.... a teddy bear... wait a minute.'

"I'm in Seoul." She laid back down, holding her stomach. Aria took a deep breath, looking back up at the ceiling. "That's a nice ceiling."

Aria winced in pain while she sat up, taking a second to get used to the new position she was in. She looked down at her watch.

10:45 am

'Geez I slept for a while.' She stood up, wandering around her room for a moment before deciding on brushing her hair. 'I should probably go downstairs, see if anyone else is awake.'

Aria found the slippers by the window, smiling softly as she slipped them on, grabbing her phone and opened the door.

Jillian meowed and rolled over, on her back while she stared up at Aria.

"Were you sleeping outside my door?" Aria smiled softly, bending down to pick up the cat. "Well good morning to you."

'You don't understand Child.' Jillian purred softly. 'I'm your mother now.'

Aria slowly made her way downstairs, hearing the TV playing some sort of show, not recognizing any of the Korean. She also smelled something really good and heard a few of the boys talking.

"Yes I know." Hoseok rolled his eyes, taking another bite of his pancake. "I can't wait to show her them anyways."

"We're going to be going through albums all morning." Taehyung chuckled, pouring a shit ton of syrup on his. "I am not ready to see my younger self."

"Oh God do you have the really old albums, like Skool Luv Affair?" Namjoon rubbed his forehead, looking up at Hoseok as he nodded quickly. "Oh God not my blonde hair."

The boys all chuckled, remembering their dumb hair cuts.

"She's gonna bully me." Jungkook whined, poking his pancake.

"We're all gonna bully you." Jin corrected from the kitchen, the boys all laughing as Jungkook sulked with his orange juice.

"Hi Jimin." Aria spoke softly as she walked in from behind him, Jimin turning in his seat from the couch.

"Oh good morning." He smiled and turned down the TV, Aria holding Jillian tightly to herself as she stood in front of Jimin. "Come here." He held his arms out for her, Aria looking down at sitting beside him. Aria leaned against him, Jillian moving into a more comfortable position in her lap. "How did you sleep?" Jimin wrapped his arm around Aria, smiling as he looked at her.

"Alright." Aria nodded, petting Jillian slowly. She didn't remember falling asleep, and she didn't remember going to bed. Did they carry her to bed? Up all those stairs?

The boys grew quiet in the dining room and kitchen, the kitchen and dining room one big room behind the living room. Jin looked over at the two, trying to see Aria's face, see how tired she was and see if she needed coffee.

"Are you hungry?" Jimin asked gently, seeing how timid and tired she still was in his arms.

Aria nodded slightly. "A little."

Nothing else had to be said and Jin brought some pancakes over on a plate. "I looked up some American food and that popped up. It said it's a pancake?"

"Yes it is." Aria smiled, looking down at it and then up to him. "It looks perfect."

"Here." Jimin slid his hand under the plate, Aria's moving out of his way. "I can hold it for you."

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