thirty seven

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"Aria!" Jimin gasped, catching her, barely. "Aria, can you hear me?"

She groaned, her head lolling from side to side, eyelids fluttering for a second before opening. "Y-yeah."

They were on the ground now, Jimin keeping her sat up against him, holding her tightly. "Take some slow breaths Aria." He blinked rapidly, Aria looking around, completely out of it.

"What happened?" Taehyung skidded to a stop in front of them, kneeling beside him. Jimin looked at him with wide eyes, not knowing the answer. "Aria, hi, Aria." Taehyung smiled gently at her holding her hand. "What's my name?"

"I'm okay." Aria frowned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I just blacked out for a second. I'm fine."

"Where's her..." Taehyung mumbled to himself, looking through the dark until he found the bag that she was gifted. "You brought your water bottle right?"

Aria nodded, Jimin hugging her tightly as Taehyung went through the bag, pulling out the Koya water bottle Namjoon gifted to her.

"I don't want any." Aria didn't take the bottle.

"You have to drink some." Taehyung still held it out for her. "It'll help with your headache."

'How does he know I have a headache?' Aria thought to herself, staring at the bottle. "Fine." She took it and took a big swig, handing it back to Taehyung. "I'm fine. Really. I just lost my balance."

"I know." Taehyung stood up, Jimin dead quiet. "Do you think you can stand?"

"Yes of course, I'm okay." She pushed herself up, falling into Taehyung. "I tripped on a rock," she lied, Taehyung helping her up.

"Let's walk slowly, okay?" Taehyung held her arm, Jimin on her other side, quiet. "Just a little while to the car."

"Aren't you supposed to be at dinner?"

"I wasn't hungry anymore." Taehyung lied, Jimin walking quicker than the two, opening up the back door. No way was he letting Aria go off. He trusted Jimin, but, his fear came true, so he's glad he went.

Aria refused to fall asleep in the car. Last time she fell asleep with people older than her...

She refused.

"Aria, please, we have twenty more minutes till we get home." Taehyung tried to persuade, Aria shaking her head the whole time he talked, hardly listening. "You have plenty of time to sleep."

"I'm not tired." Her hands shook, forcing her head to look out the window, hardly able to focus on the lights.

"Aria," Jimin spoke up, holding something over his shoulder, him driving. "How about you take aux? We can listen to your music."

Aria looked over at Taehyung, Taehyung nodded and gestured for her to take it. She did, fumbling with the chord and then going through her library.

"Mind if I look over your shoulder?" Taehyung asked gently, Aria taking a bit, and he couldn't help but notice all of the colors and designs of the albums.

Aria angled her phone more towards Taehyung, Taehyung leaning closer to her to see. "I don't usually download whole albums... I think you guys' are the only ones I download every song."

"I feel honored." Taehyung spoke for all of the boys, Jimin hummin agreement, the majority of his attention on the night time driving.

"I know the vibe for tonight." Aria mumbled, pressing on a light blue album covered decorated in the drawing of white flowers towards the bottom.

New Slang - The Shins

Aria hummed softly to the song, the guitar and gentle hits of the symbols filled the car like a warm autumn breeze. Taehyung was shocked at the male's voice, the tone and lyrics nothing he expected.

Jimin found himself swaying to the beat, his shoulders finally relaxing. His whole body had been on edge since Aria fell into his arms, scared her condition might get worse.

Aria relaxed in her seat, her phone barely in her hands as she looked outside. She took a deep breath, focussing on the beat and soft vocals. The music was so simple, a band of middle schoolers could play it.

But goodness it did wonders on the most complicated of situations.


"Tannie." Taehyung whistled, Jimin helping Aria to her room. "Come here Yeontan."

'Dad Dad Dad Dad.' His little pupper chanted, his nails making soft scratching noises on the ground. 'Where's the girl? Huh huh huh?' Yeontan's tail was wagging a bunch, Taehyung scratching his back, a smile on his face.

"Listen here Sir, we have a child with us." Taehyung spoke gently to his dog, picking him up and walking them to the kitchen. "And I'm going to put you in charge of a big responsibility."

Yeontan sat politely on the counter, tilting his head as Taehyung got out his treats. 'A responsibility? Dad, I don't think I can even spell that word.'

"You're a big boy Yeontan, I believe in you." Taehyung gave Yeontan a treat, leaving his dog confused because he didn't even do a trick. "I need you to hang out with the kid, okay?"

'Hang?' Yeontan was confused. 'Are we hanging from the-oh wait no let's not do that.'

"She's going to bed now Little Man." Taehyung rubbed Yeontan's head, giving him yet another treat. "Just be the good boy that you are and cuddle with her, okay? She'll let you touch her."

Taehyung wasn't mad that she didn't fully trust them. No no, he wasn't even slightly upset. All he wants is for Aria is to be comfortable and loved, even if it's just for a few weeks.

Even if it's for a moment.

He never expected her to immediately open up to them, to giggle and goof around with them. That would be absurd. She has broken wings. There would be no good in tossing a bird with broken wings off a building.

You need to let the bird heal, treat it kindly, nurture it. And then,

the bird will fly on its own.

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