Chapter 76: Lessons Learned

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Amity Colosseum

The opening starts as the Amity Colosseum is still floating high amid the cheers of an excited audience as the two opposing pairs of partners for the match, the grinning Mercury and Emerald against a confident Coco and meditating Yatsuhashi, wait in the center of the stadium for the holographic roulette to pick the field.

"Emerald and Mercury of Haven, versus Coco and Yatsuhashi of Beacon!" Port announced.

"Good luck, you two!" Velvet called from the stands next to Fox and Ruby.

The Colosseum chooses four fields to rise up from below in quarter sections: A patch of tall grassy plains which has a single tree and some rocks; the ruins of a city, complete with buildings holding shattered windows and rubble among the pavement; a hot spring containing geyser spots along a small river and some blue Dust crystal growths; and a familiar section of dense forest.

"Hey! Love the outfit, kid!" Coco said, lowering her shades enough to check Emerald's outfit.

"I'll try not to get blood on it." Emerald replied.

"I can't promise you'll leave without a scratch." Yatsuhashi added, getting up as he removes Fulcrum from his back.

"I won't be the one bleeding." Emerald promised, stretching her arm.

"Ooh, I like her." Coco replied with a grin.

"Three, two, one, begin!" Port counted as the match began.

BGM Start- I'm The One- by Cassie Lee Williams. RWBY Volume 3 OST

Instead of charging forward, Mercury and Emerald slowly walk back into the tall grass and disappear behind the leaves as Coco and Yatsuhashi smile at each other before the leader pops out her Gatling gun, Gianduja, and begins mowing down the field as the crowds of sunglasses-wearing fans roar their approval, even when bullets nearly hit them from the other side of the forcefield.

Coco lets up as she and Yatsuhashi realize the two opponents aren't in the plains section anymore.

"Huh?" Coco asked, confused about where her two opponents are.

"Look out!" Blake cried from the stands.

Mercury drops from the sky, aiming for Coco, but Yatsuhashi pushes her out of the way and blocks the boots with his blade, pushing him back. Coco opens fire at him again, though Mercury is able to outrun each shot.

"He's good." Sun commented.

"Yeah, but where's the girl?" Scarlet asked.

Mercury reaches the two and kicks away Coco's weapon while dodging Yatsuhashi's blade, then delivering a double blow to the giant warrior before jumping over Coco's continued barrage of bullets.

He lands on the barrels and kicks her in the face, leaping over another of Yatsuhashi's swings, only to let himself be hit so he can get behind Coco and force her to press the muzzle up to her own teammate.

Everyone stands still until Coco compresses her weapon back into its handbag form and tries to hit Mercury with Yatsuhashi, but he deftly jumps back and launches two blasts from his boots that the members of CFVY deflect.

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