Chapter 44: Soul Calibur Part 2

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The opening begins with everyone eating lunch as Ben, completely amused, sat down as he got ready to tell his story.

Unfortunately, his Shadow Cat scroll was split apart by Taki, Sarah, Blake, Alice, and Paya all having a share of his ninja weaponry.

Not that it matters to him, he has the power of god and anime on his side as he wasn't worried at all.

"How's the food?" Ben asked.

"Start the story already!" Cassie cried.

"Sounds like someone is out of Strawberry shakes." Ben teased until a knife hit his forehead.

"Start the freaking story!" Paya shouted, holding several knives.

"Well, excuuuuse me- YEOW!" Ben began until more were thrown at his balls.

"....." Link said.

"Alright alright, I'll tell the story." Ben said.

Start Flashback

Soul Calibur IV

It has been 7 months since Kratos was sent home and a few things have happened.

First off, Sarah showed that she could in fact remove the Nightmare/Inferno's influence on Taki and Ivy's weapons, leaving behind only the power and benefits like Ivy eternal youth.

However, when Ben stabbed himself with Taki's Mekki-Maru as a 10 year old, the power of the Soul Edge shard from Mekki-Maru, it still only retained 5% of the power in the blade.

As for Ben that power he unknowingly absorbed as a 10 year old still he had it, but in order for him to go home, he decided it would be best for it to be exorcised in case it would power his curse.

Naturally, Taki watched as Sarah exorcised Ben as the Soul Edge Power of Mekki-Maru was removed from him and went back to the owner's weapon, resorting it to 100%, however, so hopefully Ben's curse can be weakened.

Another thing was that Hope started learning how to fight without her magic after coming to Mortal Kombat and now here.

Right now, the Order was gathered as monsters where on the move, signifying Inferno was up to something.

"If history has taught us anything, it's extremely possible for someone to come through a portal." Ben said.

"Unfortunately, those portals could open anywhere." Talim said.

"We don't even know who or what will come, if anything." Spawn said.

"I mean we could get someone useless like Dan Hibiki from Street Fighter or someone dangerous like Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII." Hope said.

"Or another demon like Inferno such as Ganon." Sarah added

"...." Link agreed.

"Yeah, yeah, we know you don't want the King of Evil Demise himself using the Triforce of Power combined with Inferno's power via Soul Edge." Dawn said.

"That would end badly." Spawn said.

"I'm sure we will get no one to worry about." Samantha said, as everyone face palmed.

"Please, please, please don't jinx, challenge, or tempt the universe. As a hero you should know that's a bad thing." Ben said until he got on his knees all of a sudden in shock as his eyes were glowing, causing everyone to step back.

"What's happening?" Ivy asked

"Something magical." Taki added, kneeling to him along with Ivy.

"I... I feel... a Foresight in the Future of this world...." Ben explained.

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