Chapter 29: Menagerie Infection

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Conference Room, Heroes United: Dust Shipping Company Headquarters


Everyone just stared at the two heroes in shock for they were the only ones who knew what was going on.

No one knew what to say for two minutes straight until Weiss asked what they were all thinking.

"How do you two know what those things are?" Weiss demanded, worrying for her older sister as she was mutated into some sort of alien hybrid.

"Those are DNAliens, a race of artificial species from my universe. Before I saved an entire race from extinction, they made those parasites that can control the host body as they change their outward appearance, turning them into DNAliens." Ben explained, remembering the time he first encountered them along with the Highbreed when he was 15 and a year later had to encounter them for the final time on Spidermonkey's home world, Aranhaschimmia, due to Simian selling an Xenocyte Queen to Mizaru.

"What about you?" Blake asked Rex, worried for her mother and father.

"Your mother and probably half of Menagerie's population are now EVOs. Like me, only their minds are more than likely to regress back to their basic mindsets: Hunting, Killing, Eating and in some very rare cases Mating." Rex explained with his knowledge of EVOs.

"That sounds gross." Zak said.

"Is there a cure?" Weiss asked the two heroes.

"For The DNAliens, there are three cures: Me, a special gun that kills the parasites and frees the host, and death." Ben explained, making Weiss and Blake shiver at the last word he said right out of his mouth.

"Fortunately, it is a standard protocol to carry two sets. So, that is four guns as now I'll prep the ship. Yang, give me Kirby, I'm taking him to Beacon." Ben said,

"Here you go." Yang, putting Kirby in his basket.

"What about the EVOs?" Blake asked, looking at Rex.

"The cure is me." Rex replied, taking the elevator with Yang to drop off the spy's body.

Later over Remnant's Ocean

The Rust Bucket 3

With Team RWBY, Ben, Rex, and Zak.

"Alright, before we land, there is something that you four should know about EVOs. One, when they change, they're not always going to look the same so expect anything, Two, some may look human or in this case Faunus, but don't drop your guard as anything can happen, from simply growing a tail and to be able to shoot lava outside of your eyes and mouth. Trust me, I've seen it happen before." Rex explained, making Team RWBY and Zak nod in understanding.

"Are we in danger of being infected?" Ruby asked, a little nervous and afraid that the infected Faunus-EVOs would infect her with their Nanites and transform her into an EVO or the Faunus DNAliens placing an Xenocyte on her head that would turn her into a Human DNAlien.

"So long as you four wear those Hazmat suits you should be fine." Rex replied, easing his girlfriend's fear as he hugged her and assured her that she won't be infected.

"Good, I rather not find out what would happen if they mutated my powers." Zak said.

"What about the DNAliens?" Yang asked her boyfriend.

"Their standard Powers are Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Jumping, and Goo/Slime Spitting." Ben explained, making Yang and her teammates cringe at the Slime Spitting part.

"Now, some Xenocytes, when they're spread amongst different species, tend to have different abilities. Such as Enhanced Agility with an Arachnichimp or Spidermonkey's species so there might be some tricky ones, Oh! And, they hate the heat which means we need to get back to the ship by nightfall." Ben explained, knowing that the DNAliens can't stand fire and heat from the sun.

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