Smash Bros. Ultimate Newcomer Trailers

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(Yes, this is some of the Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate Trailers I've made for Ben, Zak, Rex, Ragna, Yu, Hyde, Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and of course, Kirby...)

Ben's Smash Bros. 4 Trailer: The Alien Shapeshifter

The trailer begins with the sound of a sword being unsheathed and an animation of a fiery blazing toward the camera as it changes to a forest where Xenomorphs were building a Nest or carrying people to be infected not knowing that they were being watched by a far greater Predator in the trees above.

Hunter looked at the bounty for a Queen Xenomorph as an invitation to Smash Brothers Ultimate as he imagined himself getting the Invite with the trailer for it saying: Ben 10 Hero Times into Smash!

Focusing, Hunter jumped down and fired his Plasmacaster's plasma bolts, killing a Xenomorph instantly leaving nothing but ash behind before he decloaked.

Hunter charged into the Nest killing Xenomorphs and Infected alike with his many weapons flawlessly without stopping for breath until he came across the birthing chamber where he saw the Queen having a Smash Invitation in its Hands.

Firing a one charged shot from his Plasmacasters, the Queen Xenomorph was forced to drop it, allowing Hunter to catch it as he held the Smash Invitation in triumph with the Title Card reading: Ben 10 Hero Times into Smash!

BGM Start - Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Intro Theme Song

It then cuts to show off his gameplay in-footage of his moveset, his powerful attacks, superior ground speed, and superb air mobility, as well as his alternate costumes based on Albedo, Kevin Levin, his Grandpa Max, before fading to black; it then cuts to the Trailer showing Hunter being attacked by the Queen Xenomorph as his Ultimatrix Meter appeared at the bottom of the screen, rapidly filling up to maximum as his anger rises with the meter reading: It's Hero Time!. He transforms into a random Heavy Hitter Alien AKA Four Arms and sends the Queen Xenomorph flying with all Four Hands with a Little Mac KO Uppercut.

Hunter wanting to deal with this quickly activated the Ultimatrix's Master Control Access, turning XLR8 as the Queen landed on the ground.

"It's Hero Time!" he shouted as he transformed into XLR8 as he charged forward at the The Queen and struck it, which triggers to a cutscene of sending the the Queen to the very Forest where he first got the Original Omnitrix as this Final Smash can only hit up to 1 Opponent, as XLR8 then changed into Four Arms as he unleashed a tremendous diagonal downward punch with all four hands on the The Queen, knocking his target into the ground hard enough for her to bounce. Landing and creating a crater, Four Arms changed into Cannonbolt, quickly transforming into his Arburian Pelarota ball form and launching himself at great speed towards the The Queen, ramming her as he sent her crashing to the crater with the Capsule that one held the Omnitrix which Cannonbolt finished by changing into Heatblast, burning the entire forest around the Queen, dealing 100% Critical Damage as the Final Smash Cutscene ends, sending the The Queen flying to the ground killing her instantly.

Heatblast then turned to see some other remaining Xenomorphs in anger, hissing at Pyronite as they prepared to attack him for retribution for their Queen.

"Time to go Ultimate!" Heatblast shouted, activating his Far Final Smash: Ultimate Alien using the Ultimatrix's Master Control Access, turning into Ultimate Echo Echo and threw 2 Sonic Disks at the Xenomorphs, showing he can only hit up to 7 opponents, getting a direct hit and sending the parasites flying to the Bellwood Desert and Canyon areas where he fought Eon and Dagon as the Final Smash cutscene was shown.

Ultimate Echo Echo multiplied his Sonic Disks to use his Sonic Doom attack to paralyze the parasites in pain as they screamed while he changed into Ultimate Humungousaur with his hands transformed into his Bio-Gatling Guns to rapidly fire multiple barrages of Bone Missiles at them, sending them flying into the air which he finished by changing into Ultimate Way Big and blasting them both with his much stronger cosmic ray, sending them flying out of desert and killing them.

RWBY: Heroes UnitedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant