Chapter 11 - The Dark Mark ✅

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Third person PoV:

The next morning when Harry woke up he had almost forgotten that he had went to collect Draco, but he walked into the kitchen and was met with a blond who was sporting unusually messy hair and reading the daily prophet.

The blond looked up at the door where Harry stood and smiled a small smile. "Good morning Harry."

"Morning Draco"

Harry went over to the kitchen counter and started making breakfast, he turned to Draco to ask him something. "Have you ate yet?"

Draco looked up from the article he was reading. "No, I haven't."

Without looking up from the cupboards he asked, "What would you like, then?"

Draco looked back at the article he was reading and answered in a I-can't-be-bothered tone. "It doesn't really matter, I just hope your cooking isn't crap."

Harry barked out a laugh at Draco's sarcastic tone "very funny, but I pride myself on my cooking."

The blond answered back in an amused tone. "I'll be the verdict on that."

Harry reached for the eggs and cracked them into a pan, then summoned some bacon from the fridge and setting it in the pan beside the eggs. I saw out of the corner of my eye Draco watching me and I smirked to myself before asking, "How do you like your eggs?"

Draco answered in a monotone voice that sounded scarily like Snape's. "Hard, if you please."

Harry left the eggs and bacon for a minute to go and get four slices of bread. Setting them out on the chopping board he divided the bacon and eggs out between two slices of bread and made a sandwich. One for Draco and the other for himself.

Harry watched as Draco ate the sandwich, he didn't complain about it so the raven haired started eating as well. Once they were both finished, Draco started talking to Harry again.

"I'll do the dishes, and thanks for breakfast it was delicious, although the egg could use a bit of salt."

Harry scratched his neck awkwardly and looked down. "I forgot to tell Kreature to get it yesterday, i'll get him to go out and buy it. Can you meet me in the library after your done?"

Draco smiled slightly and turned towards the sink. "Sure, Harry."

Harry walked up to the library and sat down. From what he could gather the dark mark that was on Draco's skin was a tracker of some sort. The dark lord could call and track his followers who are marked. This would be troubling in some ways if they where to move to another country, and get away from the war. He had to try and get rid of it somehow. Though how was the question.

A couple minutes later Draco strolled casually into the library and came and sat down beside me,

"What is it you need, Harry?"

Harry sighed, he knew the topic was still touchy for the Blond as he was only coming to terms with it. "I need to see your mark."

Draco nodded his head glumly and pulled the sleeve of his shirt up to reveal the enflame, black inky snake that looked like it was slithering under the blond's arm. It looked irritated, Harry held back a sigh and looked up at Draco,who couldn't bare to look at it.

"May I?"

Draco nodded and turned his face away from what the Gryffindor was going to do. Harry inhaled a breath before taking Draco's hand and running it over the mark etched on the inside of Draco's left arm. Draco shuddered, Harry knew it was painful for him to touch it. The younger could feel the raw, unnatural dark magic slithering under the blond's skin. Harry nodded to him and started talking.

"Well I believe I'm correct in knowing how the mark works. It's designed as a tracking device and a homing device. Luckily because we are both of Black blood, the wards will protect us from the tracking. Though if you are to leave the wards then you won't have that protection anymore."

Draco sighed before asking, "Is there anything else?"

Harry looked at the blond, sorrowful but his eyes gleamed with hope. "We really only have two weeks, max here before Dumbledore and the order start looking for me. Tonks - the half-blood auror is the only Black blooded person within the order and her mother, Andromeda was disowned. So she doesn't have any access rights. Although with time and dumbledore trying to break down the wards they will fall around here within two weeks. So we have two weeks to find a counter for the dark mark."

Draco looked glum again but put as much enthusiasm into his next words. "Well then, lets start searching."


A/N: Bit of a long one

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